Approved training courses

Course description

This one day course is designed to introduce the fundamental concepts of GC+GC. It combines a mixture of classroom based presentations with hands-on software and hardware lab exercises to give you comprehensive training. It will review the operation of the Agilent Deans Switch flow modulator.

This course includes an introduction to heart-cutting gas chromatography; selection and installation of the column set into the CFT device; development of the method and analysis of the data.

Learning outcomes
You will learn the theory of heart-cutting gas chromatography (GC+GC)
You will learn about the types of heart-cutting switches
You will learn and gain practical experience on the selection, set-up and installation of the column set into a Deans switch
You will learn how to maintain the GC+GC hardware set up
You will gain practical experience by creating a GC+GC method, analysing a sample and reviewing the results
You will learn the common troubleshooting problems of the technique
You will learn about the benefits of heart-cutting gas chromatography (GC+GC)


This course is for someone experienced in gas chromatography. If you have difficult and complex samples and wish to explore improving the resolution of your analysis through heart-cutting, then you should attend this course.

Additional info

This course is run on demand - please contact us to book.


Onsite or offsite

Teaching method



1 day


£650.00 GBP (plus VAT)

Training provider

Anthias Consulting Ltd



01480 831262

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Courses are approved for CPD purposes only; approval does not imply they will fulfill any regulatory requirements.

Blended Learning