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ISACS16: Challenges in Chemical Biology

15 - 18 June 2015, Zurich, Switzerland

Challenges in Chemical Biology: ISAC16 will bring together world-leading experts from several disciplines under the broad subject of chemical biology. The diverse subject scope will provide a broad overview of some of the key challenges within cutting edge areas of chemical biology with many opportunities for networking. Our hope is that delegates will be exposed to new areas of research, encouraging the cross fertilization of ideas. There will be extensive poster sessions in the evening and questions after each talk.

This meeting follows the successful ISACS5 and ISACS11 conferences held in Manchester, UK in 2011 and Boston, USA in 2013, respectively.

The themes for ISACS16 have been announced as:

• Materials for Chemical Biology
• Signalling & Recognition
• Chemical Ecology & Natural Products Chemistry
• Molecular Evolution

The event is now open for abstract submission. To submit an abstract to one of the above themes, please click on 'More Information'.

The conference will take place at ETH, Zurich and the Scientific Committee warmly invites you to take part in ISACS16.

Registration will open shortly and the fees will be as follows:

Non-Member; CHF 600 (Earlybird), CHF 675 (Standard registration)
Member; CHF 450 (Earlybird), CHF 525 (Standard registration)
Student Non-Member; CHF 300 (Earlybird), CHF 375 (Standard registration)
Student Member; CHF 265 (Earlybird), CHF 340 (Standard registration)

Sponsorship & supporting organisations
We would like to thank the ETH Zurich for their sponsorship for this conference and also for their assistance in organising this event.
ETH Zurich

ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus, Zurich, 8093, Switzerland

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