Progress in Vaccination Against Cancer (PIVAC) aims to bring together translational and clinical oncologists and immunologists dealing with active vaccination against cancer for three days of presentations on the most recent advances in the field. The meeting provides an up-to-date overview of many aspects of tumour immunology. Thanks to its friendly atmosphere and the limited number (max 100) of participants, PIVAC cultivates lively and fruitful discussions, promotes interactions between participants, speakers and companies attending the conference and encourages the emergence of new partnerships.
Who should attend? PIVAC is dedicated to scientists working on active immunization against cancer, both in prevention and therapy, at the pre-clinical and/or clinical level. PIVAC is also an ideal environment to stimulate the interest of students and young researchers who approach this field of research.
Who should attend? PIVAC is dedicated to scientists working on active immunization against cancer, both in prevention and therapy, at the pre-clinical and/or clinical level. PIVAC is also an ideal environment to stimulate the interest of students and young researchers who approach this field of research.