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Chemical Society of Japan (CSJ) – Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Joint Workshop on Effective preparation of manuscripts for publication in international STM journals // The Royal Society of Chemistry 特別企画:CSJ-RSC合同出版ワークショップ:論文執筆から出版まで

18 October 2017 13:00-17:30, Tokyo, Japan

This proposed Publishing workshop will be led by professional Editors and Associate Editors currently working for RSC and CSJ.   Since international scientific journals require the manuscripts to be written in English, we have also invited Cactus Communications to deliver a lecture on common grammatical mistakes made by Japanese researchers upon manuscript preparation. Though our workshop, our aim is to offer our audience guidelines and tips on manuscript preparation, “submission to publication” process.  Furthermore, we would like to raise the awareness of the latest development in important topics in publishing such as publishing ethics.  

CSJ-RSC 合同出版ワークショップでは日本化学会,Royal Society of Chemistry,論文校正会社の編集者が論文 作成に関するアドバイスやKnow-how を紹介します。さらに論文作成に関する情に加え出 版プロセスや,出版倫理についてもお話いたします。本 ワークショップを通し学生,研究者の方々がより一層論 文執筆,出版プロセスや出版業界に関心とご理解を深め ていただければ嬉しく思います。​


​Room 401 (Lecture Hall E), 4th Floor Tower Hall Funabori, Tokyo, Japan.
Further details can be in found in the below section under 'venue'


The summary of each session and timings can be found in the below section under 'programme'


Free to attend the workshop, however, since this is a part of 7th CSJ Chemistry Festa (17 – 19th Oct, programme, one must first be registered to attend the 7th CSJ Chemistry Festa. Table below summarizes the registration fee to attend the CSJ Chemistry Festa.
Type Pre-registration
(deadline 5th September)
Online registraion
Chemical Society of Japan
​(CSJ) members
15,000 JPY 18,000 JPY
Non-members 27,000 JPY 30,000 JPY
CSJ student members 4,000 JPY 5,000 JPY
Non-member students 5,000 JPY 6,000 JPY

Banquet takes for this event takes place on the 18th Oct: 1,000 JPY for students and 3,000 JPY for non-students regardless of their membership status.

Session 1:

This opening session will provide a general overview of STM publishing by introducing the past and the current landscape: how publishing has changed over time, recent developments and current trends in the industry. We will also introduce the role of a publisher and how they add value to scholarly publications.  This session will be given in English.​

Session 2:

How you can write your paper to give it the best chance of being accepted and making an impact with other researchers in your field? This session discusses the basic anatomy (ie: Title, Abstract, Introduction, Experiment/Method, Discussion, Results…etc.) of an article and how to approach each sections. We will also cover sections that does not go into the main text (ie: Cover letters, Graphical Abstracts) but helps appeal the article to potential reviewers are readers. There will be two speakers for this session and each will share their thoughts and offer tips on manuscript preparation. ​

Session 3

Grammar errors impede comprehension and create a poor impression of the authors' research. In addition, science writing has its own usage conventions, which vary by discipline and journal. Science writers hoping to be published in high-impact journals need to be aware of basic usage conventions in their field. This presentation will discuss elements of grammar and usage that often confuse writers in the sciences. This session will be given in English.

​Session 4

What happens to your manuscript after submission? How does peer-review process work?  When and how could I contact the editors/editorial office? This session will introduce about the publication process and describes the roles that editors play and their consideration points. This session will be given in Japanese.​

Session 5

It has been reported that the number of retracted articles has increased from around 30 in 2001 to around 700 in 2015. In addition, the number of articles that was subjected to erratum/corrigendum has also been increasing and around 12,000 needed corrections in 2015. Why are we seeing an increase in retracted articles and articles subjected to erratum/corrigendum and how can you avoid this in your own articles?This session will give example of actions that are considered as a violation of publication ethics and how publishers are dealing with these issues. We will also introduce guidelines on publication ethics that has been published by the Committee on Publication Ethics(COPE)as well as actual cases that were handled at the Royal Society of Chemistry. This session will be given in English.​

Session 1:



Session 2:

学術論文は一定の構造を持ち、Title, Abstract, Introduction, Experiment/Method, Discussion, Results, のような論文の構成要素で構成されています。それぞれの構成要素には役割があります。この役割を理解した上で執筆を進めることは、読み手の理解を助け、関心を引き、この研究の重要性をアピールするためのもっとも基本的な手続きとなります。

また化学分野における学術論文では、Cover LetterやGraphical Abstractのように論文の本文には入らないものの、本文を更にアピールできる重要なセクションもあります。


Session 3

​Not available in Japanese

Session 4




  • 投稿から出版までのプロセスとその詳細
  • 一般的な査読プロセスと新しい査読プロセスの試み
  • 編集者と査読者の役割と留意点
  • 編集者、査読者間で審査結果が食い違う場合編集者や査読者と同意できない場合どうするべきか?​

​Session 5


2001年から2010年までの間に撤回 (retraction) された論文は30から400以上まで増え、2015年時点では約700報の論文が撤回されています。それと同時に正誤表(erratum/corrigendum) された論文も増加傾向と言われており、2015年には12,000以上の論文が対象となりました。1),2)

学術論文の出版倫理問題の対象として、データ捏造、剽窃、著者資格の乱用、二重出版・投稿など研究倫理に違反する行為が取り上げられています。作為的か不作為か、もしくは不正確と不誠実は、概して切り分けされず倫理に抵触する行為として扱われます。出版社はこの問題にどう対処し、研究者としてはどのようなことに気を付けなければならないでしょうか?本セッションではCommittee on Publication Ethics(COPE)が出版倫理に関して作成したガイドライン3) やRSCの取り組みなどを実例を交えて紹介します。本セッションは英語での講演となります。​
Sponsorship & supporting organisations
4th Floor Tower Hall Funabori

Room 401 (Lecture Hall E), 4th Floor Tower Hall Funabori, 4-1-1 Funabori, Edogawa-Ku, Tokyo, 134-0091, Japan

Organised by
Other information
This publishing workshop takes place within Chemical Society Japan’s fall event 7th CSJ Chemistry Festa (17 – 19th Oct)
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