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2018 RSC Huddersfield Photography Competition

15 December 2017 - 1 April 2018, United Kingdom

This event is for RSC Members only

Photographic Competition – Captivating Chemistry

This is your chance to win an exclusive prize and to showcase your images to the chemistry community. The judging will take place in April and the prizes will be distributed at the Huddersfield AGM on April 23rd 2018. The winners and other notable entries will appear on the Huddersfield and District Local Section pages of the RSC website and will be exhibited at suitable locations with the potential to be featured in Chemistry World.

The theme for the competition will be broadly around chemistry that is captivating in one way or another. You can submit up to a maximum of three entries to be judged for the prize.

The Prize

There will be prizes for the top 3 entries. The prizes are:

1st Prize - £200
2nd Prize - £100
3rd Prize - £50

The entries will also be displayed at the University of Huddersfield and the winning entry will take pride of place in RSC Huddersfield and District Local Section publications and possibly in Chemistry World.

The Photos

All entries into the competition should:
Showcase Chemistry
Be high resolution of no less that 300 dpi
Be a photograph or micrograph
Be received by midnight on April 1st 2018

Entry Submission

Entries must be submitted as high resolution jpeg files to

Terms and Conditions

The subject for the RSC Huddersfield and District Local Section Photographic Competition is "Captivating Chemistry" and the theme is open to individual interpretation.

Entrants can submit up to two entries to be judged for the prize and the photos must be submitted electronically.

Images may be digitally enhanced to remove spots or scratches, but not manipulated. Entrants can enhance the picture to make it brighter, clearer etc, but not manipulate the content. The judges reserve the right to exclude any image they believe may have been excessively treated so as to alter its authenticity.

The competition is open to all RSC members and people in full time education.

Entrants must not be professional photographers and, for the purposes of this competition, a professional photographer will be considered to be someone who makes more than half their annual income from the sale of their photographs.

Entries should be submitted electronically via email to

The competition closes at midnight on April 1st 2017.

All entries will be judged by a panel of judges. They will consider a range of factors including composition, technical ability, originality, and interpretation of the brief.

The judges' decisions will be final and no correspondence can be entered into.

All entries must be the original work of the entrant and must not infringe the rights of any other party. The entrants must be the sole owner of copyright in all photographs entered and must have obtained permission of any people featured in the entries or their parents/guardians if children under 16 are featured. Further, entrants must not have breached any laws when taking their photographs.
Prior to submission, entrants must not have offered any of their entries for sale, been paid for any publication of any of their entries or won or been a runner up in any other photographic competition with any of their entries.

Entrants will retain copyright in the photographs that they submit. By entering the competition all entrants grant RSC and the Huddersfield and District Local Section the right to publish and exhibit their photographs in publications, at offices and on the RSC website. Entrants whose photographs are one of the winners or runners-up grant the further rights to publish and exhibit their photographs in print, on their respective websites or in any other media. No fees will be payable for any of the above uses. Entrants whose photographs are one of the winners or runners-up also agree to take part in post-competition publicity. While we will make every effort to credit photographers, including in printed reproductions of their work, we cannot guarantee that every use of the photographs will include the photographers' names.

By entering, entrants will be deemed to have agreed to be bound by these rules and RSC Huddersfield and District Local Section reserves the right to exclude any entry from the competition at any time and in its absolute discretion if it has reason to believe that an entrant has breached these rules.

RSC Huddersfield and District Local Section reserves the right to cancel this competition or alter any of the rules at any stage, if deemed necessary in its opinion, and if circumstances arise outside of its control.

If the winner is unable to be contacted after reasonable attempts have been made; RSC Huddersfield and District Local Section reserves the right to either offer the prize to a runner-up, or to re-offer the prize in any future competition.

These rules are governed by the laws of England and Wales. This competition is administered by RSC Huddersfield and District Local Section. 

United Kingdom

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