Power2Gas Conference

23 - 24 October 2019, Marseille, France

Europe has set itself goals for sustainable future. One of them is creating an efficient clean energy system that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and stop the global warming. We are noticing the dynamic growth of renewable energy replacing fossil fuels sources and nuclear plants. This trend brings us many advantages but also challenges. The supply of energy from renewable sources is intermittent and requires a solution to meet demand in particular stages. The solutions is Power to Gas technology. Converting surplus energy to hydrogen or in further stage methane, enables storing high energy capacities for long time in well developed gas infrastructure. Apart from that P2G provides flexibility as the gas can be converted back not only to electricity but also used for mobility sector, heat production and as a chemical feedstock for various industries.

Power2Gas Conference, taking place on 23-24 October 2019 in Marseille ,will bring together major stakeholders from the industry to explore the latest developments related to this technology.  We invite you to join your peers for 2 days of interactive presentations and networking sessions in order to build a decarbonized society with P2G.

TBA, TBA, Marseille, 13000, France

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