Live Webinar on 21 CFR Part 11 and Annex 11; how to make compliance work for you By Compliance2go

30 January 2012, Houston, Texas, United States

This webinar takes the requirements of Part 11 and Annex 11 and details them into specific things to do for all three primary areas: SOPs, product features, and validation. It describes what to do to be compliant thereby avoiding 483s and warning letters. All required IT SOPs are covered. All industry standards product features are discussed. The 10-step risk-based validation approach is outlined so that the specific documents for a validation project are understood. This session will make your company more productive.

Learning Objectives:

- Understand which systems need to be validated.

- Learn the specifics for compliance.

- Avoid 483 and Warning Letters.

- Explore the three primary areas of Part 11 compliance: SOPs, software product features, and validation documentation.

- Ensure data integrity, security, and protect intellectual property.

- Understand the current computer system industry standards for security, data transfer, and audit trails.

- Explore electronic signatures, digital pens, and biometric signatures.

- Understand which SOPs are required for the IT infrastructure.

- Know which product features to buy when purchasing COTS software.

- Learn how to reduce validation resources by using easy to understand fill-in-the-blank validation documents.

Who will Benefit:

Laboratory staff
GMP, GCP, GLP professionals

Compliance2go, 10777 Westheimer Suite 1100 Houston, Texas United States of America, Houston, Texas, 77042, United States

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