The Royce@Cambridge Ambient Processing Tool is being used to support the latest research in energy and light. This symposium will bring together academic and commercial researchers to highlight their work.
The Royce Ambient Cluster comprises 11 glovebox modules in which around 20 different pieces of equipment ar used to process functional materials including for perovskite PV, organic PV, perovskite and organic LED, bio-transistors, articial photosythesis, FET's, memristors, Li-ion and solid state Li battery chemistries and other.
The annual symposium "Energy & Light" is focused around the research done using the Ambient Cluster and related developments.
Come to the symposium to learn about a variety of cutting edge materials research from industry and academia. As well as the Cambridge University research work we have industry talks on:- The UK Semiconductor Infrastructure initiative, Building blocks for graphene based electronics, The Future of Photovoltaics: How Spatial ALD Will Impact The World and PV and the Adventures in Protected Agriculture.
The Royce Ambient Cluster comprises 11 glovebox modules in which around 20 different pieces of equipment ar used to process functional materials including for perovskite PV, organic PV, perovskite and organic LED, bio-transistors, articial photosythesis, FET's, memristors, Li-ion and solid state Li battery chemistries and other.
The annual symposium "Energy & Light" is focused around the research done using the Ambient Cluster and related developments.
Come to the symposium to learn about a variety of cutting edge materials research from industry and academia. As well as the Cambridge University research work we have industry talks on:- The UK Semiconductor Infrastructure initiative, Building blocks for graphene based electronics, The Future of Photovoltaics: How Spatial ALD Will Impact The World and PV and the Adventures in Protected Agriculture.