Exploring student life at Meet the Universities
The end of the 2014 school year saw our annual Meet the Universities event take place in London and Leeds. The event offers a unique opportunity for our ChemNet members considering a chemical science degree to meet and speak to chemistry representatives from different universities.
What are my options with chemistry?
On 28 June, 257 ChemNet members visited Burlington House in London to take advantage of having 37 institutions in one venue to discuss their options and answer their questions about studying chemistry and life at university. A few weeks later, on 12 June, 61 participants took up the chance to talk over their future degree choices with 21 institutions at our Leeds event.
One of the university representatives commented on the enthusiasm and interest of the students attending: “Because of the specific nature of the event all those students who engaged with us did so because they had a genuine interest for chemistry and our institution. This made all our conversations worthwhile.”
What's being at university like?
The events offered the students a chance to probe current undergraduates about university life and the demands of chemistry at university, as well as find out all about student finance from the Student Loans Company. Students and parents found the day very informative, with one student noting that “it’s great to get an honest idea about what the courses will be like from actual students.”
Another student commented: “It has been really useful. I have been to other university events and they haven’t had the right people there. Having chemistry teachers and professors on the desks is much more useful.”