Winner: 2021 Organic Division Horizon Prize: Bioorganic Chemistry Award
For the discovery of a new class of enzymes, the pericyclases, that catalyse reactions in biosynthesis of complex natural products, and for identifying their mechanisms.
Celebrate the Pericyclases team

A collaboration between the Tang, Houk and Garg labs at the University of California, Los Angeles, led by a team of postdoctoral scholars and graduate students, discovered and characterized a family of natural enzymes called the pericyclases.
Enzymes are proteins found naturally in cells, facilitating and speeding up chemical reactions within the cell. Pericyclases catalyse a special class of organic reactions called pericyclic reactions – where the reactants form a cyclical structure before forming products. These reactions are commonplace in laboratory synthesis of small molecules (i.e. commodity chemicals or pharmaceuticals) and are often considered ‘abiological’ or ‘invented’ by synthetic chemists.
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