# Supplementary Material (ESI) for Chemical Communications # This journal is (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry 2008 ####################################################################### # # Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre # CCDC # ####################################################################### # # This CIF contains data from an original supplementary publication # deposited with the CCDC, and may include chemical, crystal, # experimental, refinement, atomic coordinates, # anisotropic displacement parameters and molecular geometry data, # as required by the journal to which it was submitted. # # This CIF is provided on the understanding that it is used for bona # fide research purposes only. It may contain copyright material # of the CCDC or of third parties, and may not be copied or further # disseminated in any form, whether machine-readable or not, # except for the purpose of generating routine backup copies # on your local computer system. # # For further information on the CCDC, data deposition and # data retrieval see: # www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk # # Bona fide researchers may freely download Mercury and enCIFer # from this site to visualise CIF-encoded structures and # to carry out CIF format checking respectively. # ####################################################################### data_CSD_CIF_RONPIT _database_code_depnum_ccdc_archive 'CCDC 696046' _audit_creation_date 1998-01-27 _audit_creation_method CSD-ConQuest-V1 _database_code_CSD RONPIT _database_code_depnum_ccdc_journal 182/374 _chemical_formula_sum 'C38 H28 Fe1 N6 S2' _chemical_formula_moiety ; C38 H28 Fe1 N6 S2 ; _chemical_name_systematic ; cis-bis(Isothiocyanato)-bis(N-(2-pyridylmethylene)-4-aminobiphenyl)-iron(ii) ; _cell_volume 3462.012 _exptl_crystal_colour black _exptl_crystal_density_diffrn 1.33 _exptl_special_details ; high spin polymorph I ; _exptl_crystal_description plate _diffrn_ambient_temperature ? _diffrn_special_details ; The study was carried out at room temperature,in the range 283-303K ; #These two values have been output from a single CSD field. _refine_ls_R_factor_gt 0.035 _refine_ls_wR_factor_gt 0.035 _symmetry_cell_setting orthorhombic _symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'P c c n' _symmetry_Int_Tables_number 56 loop_ _symmetry_equiv_pos_site_id _symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz 1 x,y,z 2 1/2-x,1/2-y,z 3 1/2+x,-y,1/2-z 4 -x,1/2+y,1/2-z 5 -x,-y,-z 6 -1/2+x,-1/2+y,-z 7 -1/2-x,y,-1/2+z 8 x,-1/2-y,-1/2+z _cell_length_a 12.949(7) _cell_length_b 15.183(2) _cell_length_c 17.609(5) _cell_angle_alpha 90 _cell_angle_beta 90 _cell_angle_gamma 90 _cell_formula_units_Z 4 loop_ _atom_type_symbol _atom_type_radius_bond C 0.68 H 0.23 Fe 1.34 N 0.68 S 1.02 loop_ _atom_site_label _atom_site_type_symbol _atom_site_fract_x _atom_site_fract_y _atom_site_fract_z Fe1 Fe 0.7500(1) 0.2500(1) 0.0761(1) S1 S 0.5917(2) 0.4425(2) -0.1043(2) N1 N 0.7580(8) 0.1564(5) 0.1750(4) N2 N 0.5889(6) 0.2028(5) 0.0940(5) N3 N 0.6993(6) 0.3377(6) -0.0034(5) C1 C 0.5778(10) 0.1507(7) 0.1562(6) C2 C 0.8453(9) 0.1388(7) 0.2207(7) C3 C 0.6748(9) 0.1285(7) 0.1994(6) C4 C 1.0251(8) 0.1061(6) 0.2282(6) C5 C 0.9381(9) 0.1169(6) 0.1857(6) C6 C 1.1194(9) 0.1015(7) 0.3528(7) C7 C 0.8399(8) 0.1491(7) 0.2992(6) C8 C 1.0249(9) 0.1159(6) 0.3071(6) C9 C 0.5066(9) 0.2266(7) 0.0534(6) C10 C 1.2051(9) 0.0411(7) 0.4623(6) C11 C 0.4080(9) 0.2008(7) 0.0718(6) C12 C 0.3937(9) 0.1475(8) 0.1341(7) C13 C 1.3007(9) 0.1201(8) 0.3674(7) C14 C 1.1162(8) 0.0566(7) 0.4209(6) C15 C 0.6553(8) 0.3817(7) -0.0443(6) C16 C 1.2972(9) 0.0737(8) 0.4347(7) C17 C 1.2122(9) 0.1340(7) 0.3250(7) C18 C 0.9288(9) 0.1371(6) 0.3407(5) C19 C 0.4783(9) 0.1227(7) 0.1771(7) H1 H 0.61300 0.09600 0.23000 H2 H 1.09700 0.08900 0.20000 H3 H 0.94100 0.10900 0.12500 H4 H 0.76800 0.16600 0.32700 H5 H 0.51800 0.26800 0.00400 H6 H 1.20200 0.00400 0.51500 H7 H 0.34300 0.22200 0.03800 H8 H 0.31700 0.12500 0.14900 H9 H 1.37400 0.14600 0.34800 H10 H 1.04300 0.03300 0.44200 H11 H 1.36700 0.06300 0.46600 H12 H 1.21500 0.16900 0.27200 H13 H 0.92500 0.14400 0.40200 H14 H 0.46800 0.08200 0.22700 N1A N 0.7420(8) 0.3436(5) 0.1750(4) C2A C 0.6547(9) 0.3612(7) 0.2207(7) C5A C 0.5619(9) 0.3831(6) 0.1857(6) C4A C 0.4749(8) 0.3939(6) 0.2282(6) C8A C 0.4751(9) 0.3841(6) 0.3071(6) C6A C 0.3806(9) 0.3985(7) 0.3528(7) C14A C 0.3838(8) 0.4434(7) 0.4209(6) C10A C 0.2949(9) 0.4589(7) 0.4623(6) C16A C 0.2028(9) 0.4263(8) 0.4347(7) C13A C 0.1993(9) 0.3799(8) 0.3674(7) C17A C 0.2878(9) 0.3660(7) 0.3250(7) H12A H 0.28500 0.33100 0.27200 H9A H 0.12600 0.35400 0.34800 H11A H 0.13300 0.43700 0.46600 H6A H 0.29800 0.49600 0.51500 H10A H 0.45700 0.46700 0.44200 C18A C 0.5712(9) 0.3629(6) 0.3407(5) C7A C 0.6601(8) 0.3509(7) 0.2992(6) H4A H 0.73200 0.33400 0.32700 H13A H 0.57500 0.35600 0.40200 H2A H 0.40300 0.41100 0.20000 H3A H 0.55900 0.39100 0.12500 C3A C 0.8252(9) 0.3715(7) 0.1994(6) C1A C 0.9222(10) 0.3493(7) 0.1562(6) N2A N 0.9111(6) 0.2972(5) 0.0940(5) N3A N 0.8007(6) 0.1623(6) -0.0034(5) C15A C 0.8447(8) 0.1183(7) -0.0443(6) S1A S 0.9083(2) 0.0575(2) -0.1043(2) C9A C 0.9934(9) 0.2734(7) 0.0534(6) C11A C 1.0920(9) 0.2992(7) 0.0718(6) C12A C 1.1063(9) 0.3525(8) 0.1341(7) C19A C 1.0217(9) 0.3773(7) 0.1771(7) H14A H 1.03200 0.41800 0.22700 H8A H 1.18300 0.37500 0.14900 H7A H 1.15700 0.27800 0.03800 H5A H 0.98200 0.23200 0.00400 H1A H 0.88700 0.40400 0.23000 #END