Additions and corrections

Preparation of transparent oxyapatite ceramics by combined use of freeze-drying and spark plasma sintering

A. Chesnaud, C. Bogicevic, F. Karolak, C. Estournès and G. Dezanneau

Chem. Commun., 2007 (DOI: 10.1039/b615524c) Amendment published 19th February 2007

Figure 5 concerning the conductivity of La9.33Si6O26 compounds is incorrect. The correct values are given in the modified figure presented here. The main difference concerns the sample SPS-sintered at 1500 °C for which the real conductivity value is lower than previously stated. It is now more logical since the total conductivity, which was already supposed to be controlled by grain boundaries, is higher for samples with greater grain sizes i.e. those obtained by classical sintering at 1500 °C during 12 h.

Fig. 5 Total conductivity of La9.33Si6O26 samples sintered by classical sintering at 1500 °C/12 h (empty squares), by spark plasma sintering at 1200 °C during 3 minutes (filled triangles) and at 1500 °C (filled squares).

The Royal Society of Chemistry apologises for this error and any consequent inconvenience to authors and readers.

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