Additions and corrections

A unique 2D → 3D polycatenation cobalt(II)-based molecule magnet showing coexistence of paramagnetism and canted antiferromagnetism

Bo Xu, Xi Lin, Zhangzhen He, Zujin Lin and Rong Cao

Chem. Commun., 2011, 3766–3768 (DOI: 10.1039/c0cc05567k) Amendment published 03 May 2011

The sentence in the second paragraph on page 3766, currently reading: "By involving a semi-rigid ligand, N,N'-bis-(4-pyridyl-methyl) piperazine (bpmp) in our work, several interesting polycatenated coordination frameworks have been rationally designed and isolated.9" should be replaced with "By employing semi-rigid ligands based on piperazine, a series of interesting coordination frameworks have been rationally designed and isolated.9"

Reference 9 has been corrected to read as follows:
9 (a) B. Xu, J. Lü and R. Cao, Cryst. Growth Des., 2009, 9, 3003; (b) B. Xu, Z. J. Lin, L. W. Han and R. Cao, CrystEngComm, 2010, 13, 440; (c) K. M. Blake, L. J. Johnston, J. H. Nettleman, R. M. Supkowski and R. L. LaDuca, CrystEngComm, 2010, 12, 1927; (d) G. A. Farnum and R. L. LaDuca, Cryst. Growth Des., 2010, 10, 1897, and references therein; (e) Z. Grote, S. Bonazzi, R. Scopelliti and K. Severin, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2006, 128, 10382; (f) D. Pocic, J. M. Planeix, N. Kyritsakas, A. Jouaiti and M. W. Hosseini, CrystEngComm, 2005, 7, 624.

The Royal Society of Chemistry apologises for this error and any consequent inconvenience to authors and readers.

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