Additions and corrections
Novel bisimidazolium pincers as low loading ligands for in situ palladium-catalyzed Suzuki–Miyaura reaction in the ambient atmosphere
Chao Gao, Hongjun Zhou, Siping Wei, Yinsong Zhao, Jingsong Youa and Ge Gao
Chem. Commun., 2013, 49, 1127–1129 (DOI: 10.1039/C2CC36375E). Amendment published 23rd August 2013.
We recently reported a facile synthesis of triazinonide-bridged bisimidazolium pincers (Scheme 1). The coupling of trichlorotriazine (TCT) with 2.2 equivalents of an N-substituted imidazole in pretreated CH3CN to afford triazinonide-bridged bisimidazolium pincer B through hydrolysis of the unstable intermediate A. Unlike aryl pincers (R = aryls), a low temperature of 0 ˚C was necessary for alkyl pincers (R = alkyls) because further hydrolysis occurred very easily to afford compound C at higher temperature. The X-ray analyses confirmed the triazinonide-bridged structure B and further hydrolyzed structure C.
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