File Name : figures1.eps Caption : isotherm ($\theta^{\sigma}$ as a function of $\varphi^b$) for dopc bilayers (top) or mo bilayers (bottom) with added ethanol $c_2o$ (blue), added t-butanol $tc_4o$ (orange) or added butanediol ($c_4o_2$) (red). a) $\bar\kappa$; b) $\kappa$; c) $j_0^m$. File Name : figures2.eps Caption : isotherm ($\theta^{\sigma}$ as a function of $\varphi^b$) for dopc bilayers (top) or mo bilayers (bottom) with added fatty acids. blue: $c_8o_2$; orange: $c_{12}o_2$; red: $c_{16}o_2$. the inset provides the same graph but in which the x-axis is zoomed.