File Name : fig.s1.pdf Caption : fig. s1 the schematic image of mote2 etching process in the chamber File Name : fig.s2.pdf Caption : fig. s2 (a) the optical microscopic images of mote2 before and after xef2 exposure under 1.8 torr for 60 s (b) the raman spectra of mote2 in mono- (blue colored region) and bi- (red colored region) layer before and after xef2 exposure (c) the intensity mapping of e12g before and after xef2 exposure (d) the intensity mapping of b12g before and after xef2 exposure File Name : fig.s3.pdf Caption : fig. s3 (a) the afm topology images of mote2 after xef2 treatment under 1.0 torr for 60 s (b) height profile of xef2 treated mote2 after xef2 treatment under 1.0 torr for 60 s (blue dashed line in fig. s3a) (c) the root-mean-square (rms) roughness of xef2 treated mote2 under 1.0 torr according to xef2 exposure time (d) the etching depth rate as a function of increasing xef2 treatment under 1.0 torr File Name : fig.s4.pdf Caption : fig. s4 schematic image of mote2 before and after xef2 exposure File Name : fig.s5.pdf Caption : fig. s5 optical microscope image of mote2 fets and fabrication steps in order: (a) the pr-exposed mote2 area was removed to fabricate thin oxidation layer by xef2 exposure for 60 s. (b) metal (cr/pd/au) was deposited on moox/mote2 as a contact. (c) the pr-exposed mote2 area was removed and there was no any xef2 treatment at all. (d) different metal contacts in same mote2 flake