File Name : s1.tif Caption : fig s1. eds results of zno/tio2 core-shell nrs with a different shell thickness decorated with the plasmonic au nps. (a), (d) sem images, and (b), (e) eds spectrum. (c) and (f) eds element mapping data of o, ti, zn, and au. File Name : fig.s2_revised.tif Caption : fig. s2 (a), (b) low and (a’), (b’) high-magnification of tem images of zno/tio2 core-shell nanorods with the 10 nm and 25 nm-thick tio2 shell layer, respectively. File Name : fig.s3_revised_1_.tif Caption : fig. s3 x-ray diffraction results of zno/tio2 core-shell nrs before and after annealing process at 500 °c with the standard cards of anatase and rutile tio2. File Name : fig.s4_revised.tif Caption : fig. s4 response of gas sensors at 50 ppm of no2 gas concentration with the uv irradiation. (a) as-grown and (b) annealed gas sensors. File Name : fig.s5_revised.tif Caption : fig. s5 (a) resistance of annealed gas sensors with uv irradiation as a 3 and 5 ppm of no2 gas concentrations. (b) response value of gas sensors as no2 gas concentrations of 3 and 5 ppm, respectively.