File Name : fig.s1.tif Caption : rietveld refinement to xrd paterns of fe2tio5 fibers calcined at 500_ 6 h, 550_ 4 h and 600 ºc _3 h File Name : fig.s2.eps Caption : n2 adsorption–desorption isotherms for samples 550 °c_3 h, 600 °c_3 h, 650 °c_3 h, 700 °c_3 h and 750 °c_3 h File Name : fig.s3.eps Caption : pore size distribution curves of samples calcined at 550 °c_3 h, 650 °c_3 h, 700 °c_3 h and 750 °c_3 h File Name : fig.s4.eps Caption : optical absorbance spectra of different psb calcined nanofibers File Name : fig.s5.tif Caption : a-e plots of (f(r)hv)2 versus photon energy (hv) for samples 500 ºc_3 h, 550 ºc_3 h, 650 ºc_3 h, 700 ºc_3 h, and 750 ºc_3 h