File Name : supplementary_figure1_600dpi.tif Caption : supplementary figure 1. experimental setup of pulsed optical tweezers: here tl: traping laser ( λ = 1064 nm), dl: detection laser ( λ = 780 nm), : half waveplate, aom: acousto-optic-modulator, l: lens, m: mirror, em: edge mirror, dc: dichroic, pbs: polarizing beam splitter, pd: photodiode, fg: function generator, daq: data acquisition card. File Name : supplementary_figure2_600dpi.tif Caption : supplementary figure 2. stiffness of the optical trap measured with varying laser power. File Name : supplementary_figure3_600dpi.tif Caption : supplementary figure 3. comparison of the (a) storage moduli (g’) and (b) loss moduli (g") of wt la and a350p as measured with pulsed optical tweezers and conventional single-sine wave active microrheology.