File Name : figure s1.docx Caption : fig. s1 fragmentation of 1° and 2° amino acids to produce a common ion (m/z 171). File Name : figure s2.docx Caption : fig. s2 a) cfm-id in silico prediction of fragment spectra for 3. blue box indicates predicted m/z 258 fragment ion. possible re-arrangement of the m/z 258 ion in the gas-phase are shown. b) ms/ms fragment spectra of putative identification of 3 at 4 h after garlic supplement administration and blank plasma spiked with sacs analytical standard. File Name : figure s3.docx Caption : fig. s3 a) cfm-id in silico prediction of fragment spectra for 1 and 8. blue box indicates predicted m/z 292 and the related m/z 290 fragment ion. green box indicates predicted m/z 246 ion. possible re-arrangement of the m/z 246 and m/z 290 ion in the gas-phase are shown. b) ms/ms fragment spectra of chromatographic feature at 7.47-7.50 min after 4 h of garlic administration and blank plasma spiked with s1pc analytical standard. File Name : figure s4.docx Caption : fig. s4 ms/ms fragment spectra of putative identification of 9.