File Name : fig. s1.tif Caption : fig. s1. statistical analysis of the top thirty-five different genera in the az+ao group after the first and second week. az+ao, azithromycin administration + alginate oligosaccharide supplementation. 0, no intervention; 1, the end of the first week of azithromycin intervention; 2, the end of the second week of alginate oligosaccharide intervention. File Name : fig. s2.tif Caption : fig. s2. statistical analysis of the top thirty-five different genera in the az+pre group after the first and second week. az+pre, azithromycin administration + compound prebiotics supplementation. 0, no intervention; 1, the end of the first week of azithromycin intervention; 2, the end of the second week of alginate oligosaccharide compound intervention.