File Name : suppl fig. 1_fejes-lutnik-et al.-neubauer_food _ function_27.02.2024.jpg Caption : supplemental figure 1: forearm blood flow (fbf) responses to acetylcholine (ach) and glyceryltrinitrate (gtn) before (pre), and 3 hours (3h post) after intake of the first dose of nitrate-rich (nitrate; ~400 mg nitrate) versus nitrate-depleted (placebo) beetroot juice, and 4 weeks (4wk post) after daily nitrate-rich (nitrate; ~800 mg nitrate) versus nitrate-depleted (placebo) juice consumption. shown are the percentage changes of vasodilation of the interventional- versus control arm (fbf ratio [%]) at different (ach and gtn) dose levels at pre, 3h post, and 4wk post. the fbf ratio is expressed as mean ± sd (n=15; 10 men, 5 women). data were compared using a repeated-measures linear mixed-model.