File Name : fig. s1.tif Caption : supplementary figure 1. fingerprinting analysis of the cse and cpe. capsiate, capsaicin, luteolin, and lutein were detected in cse (a) and cpe (b) using hplc at a wavelength of 222 nm, and its retention time and quantification were displayed (c). File Name : fig. s2.tif Caption : supplementary figure 2. cse and cpe comparative effects, as well as the effects of cse on bdnf expression. the cpe was assessed for cytotoxicity (a) and cell viability (b) using a wst-8 assay on glutamate-induced ht22 cells. the cytotoxicity (c) and cell viability (d) of both cse and cpe were evaluated simultaneously. the protein expression of bdnf were determined by western blotting analysis (e) in absence of glutamate-induced conditions. signal intensities were analyzed in proportion to α-tubulin (f). #p < 0.05 and ##p < 0.01 compared with the vehicle-treated cells; **p < 0.01 compared with the glutamate-treated cells. File Name : original data of western blot fig. 3a.tif Caption : original data of western blot fig. 3a File Name : original data of western blot fig. 4a.tif Caption : original data of western blot fig. 4a File Name : original data of western blot fig. 6a.tif Caption : original data of western blot fig. 6a File Name : original data of western blot fig. s2e.tif Caption : original data of western blot fig. s2e