File Name : supplemental figure 1_ appelcor study design_lleida.tif Caption : suppl. fig 1. applecor study design. a. design of sustained study. b. design of postprandial study. File Name : supplemental figure 2_tested products applecor.tif Caption : suppl. fig 2. products administered to participants in the acute and sustained dietary interventions. a) daily dose of red-fleshed apple and white-fleshed apple snacks (80g/day) administered in plastic and sealed containers. b) aronia kit administered to volunteers, containing the daily dose of aronia powder, the mineral water, a glass bottle to prepare the cold infusion, a strainer to filter and remove the solid fraction and a light protected bottle to keep the cold infusion to be consumed. File Name : supplemental figure 3_flow diagram_applecor_final.pdf Caption : suppl. fig 3. participant flow diagram.