File Name : fig s1.pdf Caption : fig. s1 the transmittance change of pdms and pdms-brij mix of varying concentrations (0.25, 0.75, 1, and 1.5%) across the visible and near infrared (wavelength: 400–900 nm). transmittance drops to near zero for 1.5% mix and the transmittance change is minimal for 0.25% pdms-brij. File Name : fig s2.pdf Caption : fig. s2 device design for double emulsion generation including the first and the second junction, white arrow indicates flow direction. the white asterisks show pinching of w/o droplet at the initial junction (left) and w/o/w formation at the second junction (right). flow rates were qin = 1 µl/min, qmid = 20 µl/min, and qout = 5µl/min. scale bar is 100 µm. File Name : fig s3.pdf Caption : fig. s3 weight change of pdms and pdms-brij mix of varying concentrations (0.25, 0.75, 1, and 1.5%) expressed as a percentage change from the initial weight (n = 4) with standard deviation error bars. File Name : fig s4.pdf Caption : fig. s4 plot shows of cos(θ) vs. √t relationship for the mean of three measurements with standard deviation error bars. the liner fit is used to extract the surfactant diffusivity. the calculated gradient and y-intercept of the linear fit were 0.12 and -0.66 respectively and r2 = 0.98.