File Name : scheme s1.png Caption : scheme s1. synthetic scheme of ada-ma. File Name : fig s1.png Caption : fig. s1. 1h nmr spectra of ada-ma in d-dmso. File Name : fig s2.png Caption : fig. s2. 1h nmr spectra of 1) ada-ma in d2o (ph 7.4) incubated for 12 h, 2) ada-ma in d2o (ph 5.8) incubated for 12 h, 3) ada-ma in d2o (ph 5.8) incubated for 16 h. File Name : fig s3.png Caption : fig. s3. colony-forming units (cfu) of (a) e. coli and (b) s. aureus treated with ada-ma and ada-ma@cb[7] complexes on lb agar plates with different ph conditions. File Name : fig s4.png Caption : fig. s4. fluorescence microscopy images of e. coli and s. aureus with dq and dq@2cb[7]. scale bar = 20 μm. (green staining represents live bacteria, and red staining represents dead bacteria).