File Name : figures1.tif Caption : figure s1: process flow from fabricating gpns substrate to deposition of mose2 (a) schematic of thermal evaporation method, (b) gallium based plasmonic nano-substrates (gpns), (c) prepared mose2 solution in toluene after sonication bath, (d) mose2 on top of the gpns substrate. File Name : figures2.tif Caption : figure s2: (a) schematic for measurement of reflectance of mose2-gpns in uv-vis with integrating sphere assembly, (b) direct detection unit for absorption measurement of mose2 over glass substrate (bs is beam splitter and m is denoted for mirror). File Name : figures3.tif Caption : figure s3: (a) raman spectra of mose2-gpns with gallium droplet radius of 100 nm and 150 nm, (b) time dependent pl spectra of mose2-gpns with excitation wavelengths of 485 nm and 532 nm. File Name : figures4.tif Caption : figure s4: light-matter interaction between gallium nanoparticles and mose2 monolayer at b and a exciton positions for-radius of particle to be 100 nm and radius of ga particles to be 150 nm. File Name : figures5.tif Caption : figure s5: calculated absorbance spectra of ga-mose2 with radius of particles (100 – 175) nm.