File Name : figure s1.tif Caption : figure s1: the band gap values obtained from the application of kubelka-munk theory on diffusive reflectance spectroscopy data for (a) pure g-c3n4; (b) rc1; (c) rc2; (d) rc3 and (e) nrc. File Name : figure s2.tif Caption : figure s2: morphological characteristics of different samples observed at varying magnifications. (a) lower magnification image of rgo, (b) higher magnification image of rgo, (c) lower magnification image of n-rgo/g-c3n4, and (d) higher magnification image of n-rgo/g-c3n4, captured using a transmission electron microscope. File Name : figure s3.tif Caption : figure s3: the band gap values obtained from the application of kubelka-munk theory on diffusive reflectance spectroscopy data for (a) rgo; (b) pure g-c3n4; (c) rc2; (d) nrc.