File Name : figs1.tif Caption : fig. s1 xrd patterns of lithium tellurate liteo3(oh), sodium tellurate and potassium tellurate kteo3(oh). File Name : figs2.tif Caption : fig. s2 tg-dta curve for the synthesized sodium tellurate. tg-dta measurement was performed using a platinum vessel. the sample was heating in air from room temperature to 600°c at a heating rate of 5°c/min. File Name : figs3.tif Caption : fig. s3 xrd patterns of a synthesized sodium tellurate before (a) and after (b) being heated to 500°c for 2 h. the icsd pattern (icsd: 391382 [43]) for na2te2o7 is added for comparison. File Name : figs4.tif Caption : fig. s4 atr-ftir spectrum of synthesized sodium tellurate. File Name : figs5.tif Caption : fig. s5 indexed xrd pattern of synthesized sodium tellurate. File Name : figs6.tif Caption : fig. s6 observed xrd pattern of nateo3(oh) (a) and simulation pattern (b) using the crystal structure of kteo3(oh) as a model structure. File Name : figs7.tif Caption : fig. s7 xrd patterns of nateo3(oh) samples mixed with adhesive (aron alpha (toagosei) (a), c (cemedine) (b)). synchrotron xrd pattern (c) and laboratory xrd pattern (d) of nateo3(oh) are added for comparison. File Name : figs8.tif Caption : fig. s8 fe-sem image of the obtained nateo3(oh). File Name : figs9.tif Caption : fig. s9 synchrotron xrd pattern of nateo3(oh) and simulated xrd patterns using three space groups. File Name : figs10.tif Caption : fig. s10 explanation of the differences between p21/c and p21/a. File Name : figs11.tif Caption : fig. s11 total energy change during optimization of nateo3(oh) at each step. File Name : figs12.tif Caption : fig. s12 simulated patterns of nateo3(oh) (this study) and nahteo4 (icsd: 101549 [33]). File Name : figs13.tif Caption : fig. s13 crystal structure of nateo3(oh) and kteo3(oh). File Name : figs14.tif Caption : fig. s14 xrd patterns of nateo3(oh) (a) and kteo3(oh) (b). File Name : figs15.tif Caption : fig. s15 xrd patterns of nateo3(oh) samples of before and after ion exchange experiments. File Name : figs16.tif Caption : fig. s16 xrd patterns of liteo3(oh) samples before(a) and after(b), as well as the reverse ion exchange(c). the icsd pattern (icsd: 2129 [61]) for h2teo4 is added for comparison. File Name : figs17.tif Caption : fig. s17 crystal structure of liteo3(oh) and h2teo4. File Name : figs18.tif Caption : fig. s18 crystal structure of nateo3(oh) indicated by the ionic radius.