File Name : fig s1.pdf Caption : figure s1. word cloud response to question - what sector do you represent? (53 responses). note that limited preprocessing of responses was undertaken prior to generating word clouds to group similar terms and harmonise. File Name : fig s2.pdf Caption : figure s2. word cloud response to question - what are the benefits to commercialisation of advanced materials? (84 responses). note that limited preprocessing of responses was undertaken prior to generating word clouds to group similar terms and harmonise. File Name : fig s3.pdf Caption : figure s3. word cloud response to question - what are the barriers to commercialisation of advanced materials? (122 responses). note that limited preprocessing of responses was undertaken prior to generating word clouds to group similar terms and harmonise. File Name : fig s4.pdf Caption : figure s4. word cloud response to question - what would you find useful as a follow up topic for a future meeting related to safe development of advanced materials? (58 responses). note that limited preprocessing of responses was undertaken prior to generating word clouds to group similar terms and harmonise. File Name : fig s5.pdf Caption : figure s5. word cloud response to question – how can we more effectively exchange information about this subject? (33 responses). note that limited preprocessing of responses was undertaken prior to generating word clouds to group similar terms and harmonise.