File Name : fig s1.tif Caption : supplementary figure 1 predicted protein model structures of (a) human scfv ige b10, (b) human scfv ige b13, (c) human scfv ige b14, (d) human scfv ige m0418, (e) bet v 1, (f) mapr10-beb5, and (g) mapr10-gna5. protein model structures were predicted using protein homology/analogy recognition engine v 2.0 (phyre2) server [56] and alphafold v2 [32] via colabfold v1.5.3 [33]. File Name : fig s2.tif Caption : supplementary figure 2 detection of the purified mapr10 protein variants using nickel his gravitraptm affinity column. (a) sds-page gel separation estimated the molecular size of the mapr10 protein isoforms at ~25kda, and (b) western blot result showing the detection of purified and a specific protein band mapr10-beb5 (lane 1) and mapr10-gna5 (lane 2) using anti-his primary antibody and anti-mouse igg- alkaline phosphatase produced in goat, secondary antibody. protein size was estimated (lane l) based on the blultra prestained protein ladder (genedirex, uk).