File Name : figure s1_600dpi.jpg Caption : figure s1: hplc gradient method showing the percentage of meoh + 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid (b) at various time points. lichrosorb rp-18 column (250x4mm, 5m particle size, merck); mobile phase gradient method: a (aqueous dw + 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid); b (meoh + 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid); 0-2 min (isocratic 45% b), 2.0-8.0 min (45  75% b), 8.0-18.0 min (75  93% b), 18-26 min (93  100% b), 26.0-31.0 min (100% b), 10 (isocratic 100% b), 31.0-36.0 min (100  45% b), 36.0 min (stop¬); 1.5 ml/min; uv 254 nm. File Name : figure s2_600dpi.jpg Caption : figure s2. ge healthcare tracerlab fx2n (second generation) auto-module instrument design and software flow diagram. File Name : figure s3_protected f18-brequinar_600dpi.jpg Caption : figure s3. analytical qc hplc (analysis was performed using the gradient method) chromatogram of protected [18f]brequinar (intermediate). uv peak (a); ri peak (b) File Name : figure s4_f-18-brequinar_600dpi.jpg Caption : figure s4: analytical qc hplc (analysis was performed using the isocratic method) chromatogram of [18f]brequinar. uv peak (a); ri peak (b) File Name : figure s5_pet-ct dynamic images_video.pptx Caption : figure s5: pet/ct dynamic images_video.pptx