Additions and corrections

Modular syntheses of multidentate ligands with variable N-donors: applications to tri- and tetracopper(I) complexes

Eric C. Brown, Brandon Johnson, Sara Palavicini, Benjamin E. Kucera, Luigi Casella and William B. Tolman*

Dalton Trans., 2007 (DOI: 10.1039/b705860c). Amendment published 18th June 2007.

We inadvertently failed to note that the cationic portion of compound 21 had been reported previously in the following references. We regret this oversight, and thank D. Datta for pointing it out to us. References: (a) D.A. Tocher, M. G. B. Drew, S. Chowdhury, D. Datta, Ind. J. Chem., 2003, 42A, 983-989. (b) D. Walther, K. Hamza, H. Gorls, W. Imhof, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem., 1997, 623, 1135-1143. (c) E. C. Alyea, G. Ferguson, M. C. Jennings, Z. Xu, Polyhedron, 1990, 9, 739-741.

The Royal Society of Chemistry apologises for these errors and any consequent inconvenience to authors and readers.
