Supplementary Material (ESI) for Dalton Transactions This journal is (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry 2007 data_global _journal_name_full 'Dalton Trans.' _journal_coden_Cambridge 0222 _publ_contact_author_name 'Lada Puntus' _publ_contact_author_address ; Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Radio Engineering & Electronics Moscow 125009 RUSSIAN FEDERATION ; _publ_contact_author_email LADA_PUNTUS@MAIL.RU _publ_section_title ; Luminescence and structural properties of lanthanide complexes of Schiff bases derived from pyridoxal and amino acids ; loop_ _publ_author_name 'Lada Puntus' 'Mikhail Yu. Antipin' 'Konstatin Lyssenko' 'Irina Pekareva' 'Konstantin Zhuravlev' data_comp1 _database_code_depnum_ccdc_archive 'CCDC 644340' _audit_creation_method SHELXL-97 _chemical_name_systematic ; ? ; _chemical_name_common ? _chemical_melting_point ? _chemical_formula_moiety 'C12 H19 Eu N2 O10, H2 O' _chemical_formula_sum 'C12 H21 Eu N2 O11' _chemical_formula_weight 521.27 loop_ _atom_type_symbol _atom_type_description _atom_type_scat_dispersion_real _atom_type_scat_dispersion_imag _atom_type_scat_source C C 0.0033 0.0016 'International Tables Vol C Tables and' H H 0.0000 0.0000 'International Tables Vol C Tables and' N N 0.0061 0.0033 'International Tables Vol C Tables and' O O 0.0106 0.0060 'International Tables Vol C Tables and' Eu Eu -0.1578 3.6682 'International Tables Vol C Tables and' _symmetry_cell_setting Monoclinic _symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'C 2/c' _symmetry_space_group_name_Hall '-C 2yc' loop_ _symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz 'x, y, z' '-x, y, -z+1/2' 'x+1/2, y+1/2, z' '-x+1/2, y+1/2, -z+1/2' '-x, -y, -z' 'x, -y, z-1/2' '-x+1/2, -y+1/2, -z' 'x+1/2, -y+1/2, z-1/2' _cell_length_a 15.4180(10) _cell_length_b 8.4575(5) _cell_length_c 26.0158(17) _cell_angle_alpha 90.00 _cell_angle_beta 90.6985(12) _cell_angle_gamma 90.00 _cell_volume 3392.1(4) _cell_formula_units_Z 8 _cell_measurement_temperature 100(2) _cell_measurement_reflns_used 1024 _cell_measurement_theta_min 2.20 _cell_measurement_theta_max 29.20 _exptl_crystal_description prism _exptl_crystal_colour yellow _exptl_crystal_size_max 0.23 _exptl_crystal_size_mid 0.16 _exptl_crystal_size_min 0.14 _exptl_crystal_density_meas ? _exptl_crystal_density_diffrn 2.041 _exptl_crystal_density_method 'not measured' _exptl_crystal_F_000 2064 _exptl_absorpt_coefficient_mu 3.761 _exptl_absorpt_correction_type multi-scan _exptl_absorpt_correction_T_min 0.478 _exptl_absorpt_correction_T_max 0.621 _exptl_absorpt_process_details SADABS _exptl_special_details ; ? ; _diffrn_ambient_temperature 100(2) _diffrn_radiation_wavelength 0.71073 _diffrn_radiation_type MoK\a _diffrn_radiation_source 'fine-focus sealed tube' _diffrn_radiation_monochromator graphite _diffrn_measurement_device_type "Bruker APEX II CCD area detector'" _diffrn_measurement_method 'omega scans' _diffrn_detector_area_resol_mean ? _diffrn_standards_number ? _diffrn_standards_interval_count ? _diffrn_standards_interval_time ? _diffrn_standards_decay_% ? _diffrn_reflns_number 15841 _diffrn_reflns_av_R_equivalents 0.0309 _diffrn_reflns_av_sigmaI/netI 0.0298 _diffrn_reflns_limit_h_min -20 _diffrn_reflns_limit_h_max 16 _diffrn_reflns_limit_k_min -11 _diffrn_reflns_limit_k_max 11 _diffrn_reflns_limit_l_min -35 _diffrn_reflns_limit_l_max 35 _diffrn_reflns_theta_min 2.64 _diffrn_reflns_theta_max 29.00 _reflns_number_total 4496 _reflns_number_gt 3965 _reflns_threshold_expression I>2\s(I) _computing_data_collection 'Bruker APEX II' _computing_cell_refinement 'Bruker SAINT' _computing_data_reduction 'Bruker SAINT' _computing_structure_solution 'SHELXS-97 (Sheldrick, 1997)' _computing_structure_refinement 'SHELXL-97 (Sheldrick, 1997)' _computing_molecular_graphics 'Bruker SHELXTL' _computing_publication_material 'Bruker SHELXTL' _refine_special_details ; Refinement of F^2^ against ALL reflections. The weighted R-factor wR and goodness of fit S are based on F^2^, conventional R-factors R are based on F, with F set to zero for negative F^2^. The threshold expression of F^2^ > 2sigma(F^2^) is used only for calculating R-factors(gt) etc. and is not relevant to the choice of reflections for refinement. R-factors based on F^2^ are statistically about twice as large as those based on F, and R- factors based on ALL data will be even larger. The refinement of s.o.f. values for C8,C9, C10 and C8', C9' and C10' was carried out with constraints on APD values of each pair of atoms (EADP instruction). The bond lengths for c9-c10 and c9'-c10, c8-n2 and c8'-n2', c9'-n2' and c9-n2, c11-c9' and c11-c10 and c8-c3 c8'-c3 were refined to be equal for each pair using the free variables. The ADP of O5w and O5w' atoms were refined with EADP instructions. Taking into account that for two positions of O5w (O5w' and O5w) only one set of hydrogen atoms (H5wa and H5wb) was located and any of available AFIX instruction is suitable, the O5w-H5wa, O5w-h5wb, O5w'-H5wa and O5w-H5wb bond lengths were refined using DFIX ; _refine_ls_structure_factor_coef Fsqd _refine_ls_matrix_type full _refine_ls_weighting_scheme calc _refine_ls_weighting_details 'calc w=1/[\s^2^(Fo^2^)+(0.0213P)^2^+14.7069P] where P=(Fo^2^+2Fc^2^)/3' _atom_sites_solution_primary direct _atom_sites_solution_secondary difmap _atom_sites_solution_hydrogens mixed _refine_ls_hydrogen_treatment constr _refine_ls_extinction_method none _refine_ls_extinction_coef ? _refine_ls_number_reflns 4496 _refine_ls_number_parameters 263 _refine_ls_number_restraints 14 _refine_ls_R_factor_all 0.0336 _refine_ls_R_factor_gt 0.0272 _refine_ls_wR_factor_ref 0.0587 _refine_ls_wR_factor_gt 0.0566 _refine_ls_goodness_of_fit_ref 1.064 _refine_ls_restrained_S_all 1.063 _refine_ls_shift/su_max 0.000 _refine_ls_shift/su_mean 0.000 loop_ _atom_site_label _atom_site_type_symbol _atom_site_fract_x _atom_site_fract_y _atom_site_fract_z _atom_site_U_iso_or_equiv _atom_site_adp_type _atom_site_occupancy _atom_site_symmetry_multiplicity _atom_site_calc_flag _atom_site_refinement_flags _atom_site_disorder_assembly _atom_site_disorder_group Eu1 Eu 0.201736(10) 0.487145(15) 0.340015(5) 0.00954(5) Uani 1 1 d . . . O1 O 0.27943(15) 0.5053(3) 0.41397(8) 0.0173(5) Uani 1 1 d . E . O2 O 0.01644(18) 0.5690(4) 0.54850(13) 0.0388(7) Uani 1 1 d . . . H2O H -0.0245 0.5513 0.5662 0.047 Uiso 1 1 d R . . O3 O 0.05214(15) 0.5153(3) 0.31687(9) 0.0192(5) Uani 1 1 d . E . O4 O -0.08725(16) 0.5733(3) 0.31666(10) 0.0259(6) Uani 1 1 d . E . O5 O 0.19641(17) 0.7567(3) 0.30935(9) 0.0218(5) Uani 1 1 d . E . O6 O 0.13106(17) 0.9879(3) 0.30078(10) 0.0245(5) Uani 1 1 d . E . N1 N 0.29736(18) 0.4265(3) 0.54885(10) 0.0165(6) Uani 1 1 d . . . O1W O 0.11832(16) 0.3030(3) 0.39337(9) 0.0178(5) Uani 1 1 d . E . H1WA H 0.1391 0.2353 0.4111 0.021 Uiso 1 1 d R . . H1WB H 0.1058 0.2611 0.3668 0.021 Uiso 1 1 d R . . O2W O 0.34182(15) 0.5311(3) 0.30221(9) 0.0184(5) Uani 1 1 d . E . H2WB H 0.3487 0.5061 0.2729 0.022 Uiso 1 1 d R . . H2WA H 0.3666 0.6005 0.3172 0.022 Uiso 1 1 d R . . O3W O 0.17839(15) 0.4030(3) 0.25218(9) 0.0192(5) Uani 1 1 d . E . H3WB H 0.1475 0.4499 0.2325 0.023 Uiso 1 1 d R . . H3WA H 0.2096 0.3524 0.2341 0.023 Uiso 1 1 d R . . O4W O 0.26113(15) 0.2218(3) 0.32869(9) 0.0171(5) Uani 1 1 d . E . H4WB H 0.2197 0.1660 0.3248 0.020 Uiso 1 1 d R . . H4WA H 0.3094 0.1911 0.3236 0.020 Uiso 1 1 d R . . O5W O 0.4960(8) 0.6946(13) 0.3239(3) 0.0314(17) Uani 0.50 1 d PD A 1 O5W' O 0.4865(7) 0.6978(13) 0.3031(3) 0.0314(17) Uani 0.50 1 d PD B 2 H5WB H 0.527(2) 0.634(4) 0.3075(12) 0.038 Uiso 1 1 d D C 2 H5WA H 0.504(3) 0.7852(18) 0.3119(13) 0.038 Uiso 1 1 d D D 2 C1 C 0.3142(2) 0.4334(4) 0.49883(12) 0.0149(6) Uani 1 1 d . E . C2 C 0.2586(2) 0.5092(3) 0.46233(11) 0.0125(6) Uani 1 1 d . . . C3 C 0.1856(2) 0.5895(3) 0.48200(11) 0.0126(6) Uani 1 1 d D E . C4 C 0.1702(2) 0.5841(4) 0.53553(12) 0.0150(6) Uani 1 1 d . . . C5 C 0.2262(2) 0.5001(4) 0.56640(11) 0.0171(6) Uani 1 1 d . E . H5A H 0.2142 0.4935 0.6021 0.020 Uiso 1 1 calc R . . C6 C 0.3953(2) 0.3550(4) 0.48027(13) 0.0214(7) Uani 1 1 d . . . H6A H 0.4331 0.3302 0.5097 0.032 Uiso 1 1 calc R E . H6B H 0.4256 0.4264 0.4569 0.032 Uiso 1 1 calc R . . H6C H 0.3801 0.2572 0.4621 0.032 Uiso 1 1 calc R . . C7 C 0.0921(2) 0.6594(4) 0.55981(13) 0.0214(7) Uani 1 1 d . E . H7A H 0.1009 0.6655 0.5975 0.026 Uiso 1 1 calc R . . H7B H 0.0846 0.7683 0.5465 0.026 Uiso 1 1 calc R . . N2 N 0.1351(2) 0.6847(4) 0.39932(12) 0.0121(8) Uani 0.802(6) 1 d PD E 1 C8 C 0.1355(3) 0.6945(4) 0.44827(14) 0.0139(9) Uani 0.802(6) 1 d PD E 1 H8A H 0.1014 0.7747 0.4637 0.017 Uiso 0.802(6) 1 calc PR E 1 C9 C 0.0897(2) 0.8109(4) 0.37084(14) 0.0123(8) Uani 0.802(6) 1 d PD E 1 H9A H 0.0862 0.9060 0.3936 0.015 Uiso 0.802(6) 1 calc PR E 1 C10 C -0.0022(3) 0.7617(4) 0.35582(15) 0.0151(8) Uani 0.802(6) 1 d PD E 1 H10A H -0.0272 0.8443 0.3331 0.018 Uiso 0.802(6) 1 calc PR E 1 H10B H -0.0375 0.7585 0.3873 0.018 Uiso 0.802(6) 1 calc PR E 1 C11 C -0.0109(2) 0.6021(4) 0.32852(12) 0.0163(6) Uani 1 1 d D . . C12 C 0.1410(2) 0.8569(4) 0.32218(13) 0.0200(7) Uani 1 1 d . . . N2' N 0.1028(8) 0.6343(17) 0.4013(4) 0.0121(8) Uani 0.198(6) 1 d PD E 2 C8' C 0.1141(7) 0.648(2) 0.4498(4) 0.0139(9) Uani 0.198(6) 1 d PD E 2 H8'A H 0.0700 0.7036 0.4674 0.017 Uiso 0.198(6) 1 calc PR E 2 C9' C 0.0280(8) 0.6994(12) 0.3727(3) 0.0123(8) Uani 0.198(6) 1 d PD E 2 H9'A H -0.0193 0.7137 0.3983 0.015 Uiso 0.198(6) 1 calc PR E 2 C10' C 0.0493(11) 0.8637(14) 0.3524(6) 0.0151(8) Uani 0.198(6) 1 d PD E 2 H10E H 0.0537 0.9395 0.3814 0.018 Uiso 0.198(6) 1 calc PR E 2 H10C H 0.0027 0.9001 0.3288 0.018 Uiso 0.198(6) 1 calc PR E 2 loop_ _atom_site_aniso_label _atom_site_aniso_U_11 _atom_site_aniso_U_22 _atom_site_aniso_U_33 _atom_site_aniso_U_23 _atom_site_aniso_U_13 _atom_site_aniso_U_12 Eu1 0.00910(8) 0.01076(7) 0.00880(7) 0.00002(5) 0.00087(5) 0.00141(6) O1 0.0153(12) 0.0246(12) 0.0121(10) -0.0013(9) 0.0010(8) 0.0020(10) O2 0.0115(14) 0.0481(17) 0.057(2) 0.0152(15) 0.0062(13) 0.0015(12) O3 0.0118(11) 0.0303(13) 0.0154(10) -0.0015(9) -0.0010(8) 0.0066(10) O4 0.0109(13) 0.0383(14) 0.0283(14) -0.0051(11) -0.0022(10) 0.0074(11) O5 0.0348(16) 0.0156(11) 0.0153(11) 0.0031(9) 0.0045(10) 0.0014(10) O6 0.0250(14) 0.0250(12) 0.0234(12) -0.0001(10) 0.0019(10) 0.0110(11) N1 0.0163(15) 0.0216(13) 0.0117(12) 0.0010(10) -0.0021(10) 0.0054(11) O1W 0.0204(13) 0.0198(11) 0.0132(11) 0.0038(8) -0.0026(9) 0.0013(9) O2W 0.0146(12) 0.0242(11) 0.0166(11) -0.0025(9) 0.0011(9) -0.0045(9) O3W 0.0164(13) 0.0290(12) 0.0123(11) -0.0064(9) -0.0006(9) 0.0068(10) O4W 0.0090(12) 0.0168(10) 0.0255(12) -0.0011(9) 0.0028(9) 0.0037(9) O5W 0.012(3) 0.0266(16) 0.055(6) -0.018(4) -0.008(4) -0.0015(16) O5W' 0.012(3) 0.0266(16) 0.055(6) -0.018(4) -0.008(4) -0.0015(16) C1 0.0127(16) 0.0165(14) 0.0154(14) 0.0005(11) -0.0007(12) 0.0003(12) C2 0.0127(15) 0.0134(13) 0.0113(13) -0.0017(10) -0.0002(11) -0.0030(11) C3 0.0137(16) 0.0133(13) 0.0107(13) -0.0001(10) -0.0031(11) 0.0002(11) C4 0.0129(16) 0.0183(14) 0.0138(14) -0.0002(11) -0.0004(12) 0.0002(12) C5 0.0179(16) 0.0234(16) 0.0099(13) 0.0022(11) 0.0006(11) 0.0011(13) C6 0.0163(18) 0.0309(17) 0.0170(16) -0.0005(13) 0.0009(13) 0.0072(15) C7 0.0187(19) 0.0347(19) 0.0108(14) -0.0003(13) 0.0001(12) 0.0085(15) N2 0.009(2) 0.0151(17) 0.0121(14) 0.0005(12) 0.0000(13) 0.0027(12) C8 0.016(2) 0.013(2) 0.0128(16) 0.0011(14) 0.0028(15) 0.0030(15) C9 0.014(2) 0.0128(16) 0.0103(16) -0.0002(12) 0.0012(14) 0.0004(14) C10 0.012(2) 0.0181(18) 0.0156(18) -0.0012(14) 0.0013(15) 0.0026(15) C11 0.0143(17) 0.0213(15) 0.0134(14) -0.0041(11) 0.0037(12) -0.0029(12) C12 0.0228(19) 0.0199(15) 0.0174(16) -0.0034(12) 0.0077(14) -0.0085(14) N2' 0.009(2) 0.0151(17) 0.0121(14) 0.0005(12) 0.0000(13) 0.0027(12) C8' 0.016(2) 0.013(2) 0.0128(16) 0.0011(14) 0.0028(15) 0.0030(15) C9' 0.014(2) 0.0128(16) 0.0103(16) -0.0002(12) 0.0012(14) 0.0004(14) C10' 0.012(2) 0.0181(18) 0.0156(18) -0.0012(14) 0.0013(15) 0.0026(15) _geom_special_details ; All esds (except the esd in the dihedral angle between two l.s. planes) are estimated using the full covariance matrix. The cell esds are taken into account individually in the estimation of esds in distances, angles and torsion angles; correlations between esds in cell parameters are only used when they are defined by crystal symmetry. An approximate (isotropic) treatment of cell esds is used for estimating esds involving l.s. planes. ; loop_ _geom_bond_atom_site_label_1 _geom_bond_atom_site_label_2 _geom_bond_distance _geom_bond_site_symmetry_2 _geom_bond_publ_flag Eu1 O1 2.259(2) . ? Eu1 O3 2.389(2) . ? Eu1 O2W 2.413(2) . ? Eu1 O3W 2.416(2) . ? Eu1 O5 2.416(2) . ? Eu1 O4W 2.443(2) . ? Eu1 O1W 2.459(2) . ? Eu1 N2 2.504(3) . ? Eu1 N2' 2.545(13) . ? Eu1 H1WB 2.5202 . ? Eu1 H2WA 2.7879 . ? Eu1 H4WB 2.7594 . ? O1 C2 1.302(3) . ? O2 C7 1.422(5) . ? O2 H2O 0.8000 . ? O3 C11 1.258(4) . ? O4 C11 1.237(4) . ? O5 C12 1.252(4) . ? O6 C12 1.248(4) . ? N1 C1 1.331(4) . ? N1 C5 1.346(4) . ? O1W H1WA 0.7995 . ? O1W H1WB 0.7988 . ? O2W H2WB 0.7999 . ? O2W H2WA 0.7994 . ? O3W H3WB 0.7994 . ? O3W H3WA 0.8007 . ? O4W H4WB 0.8003 . ? O4W H4WA 0.8001 . ? O5W H5WB 0.823 . ? O5W H5WA 0.836 . ? O5W' H5WB 0.832 . ? O5W' H5WA 0.819 . ? C1 C2 1.424(4) . ? C1 C6 1.501(4) . ? C2 C3 1.416(4) . ? C3 C4 1.416(4) . ? C3 C8 1.462(4) . ? C3 C8' 1.462(5) . ? C4 C5 1.371(4) . ? C4 C7 1.507(4) . ? C5 H5A 0.9500 . ? C6 H6A 0.9800 . ? C6 H6B 0.9800 . ? C6 H6C 0.9800 . ? C7 H7A 0.9900 . ? C7 H7B 0.9900 . ? N2 C8 1.276(4) . ? N2 C9 1.471(5) . ? C8 H8A 0.9500 . ? C9 C10 1.524(5) . ? C9 C12 1.550(5) . ? C9 H9A 1.0000 . ? C10 C11 1.530(5) . ? C10 H10A 0.9900 . ? C10 H10B 0.9900 . ? C11 C9' 1.531(5) . ? C12 C10' 1.626(16) . ? N2' C8' 1.276(4) . ? N2' C9' 1.472(5) . ? C8' H8'A 0.9500 . ? C9' C10' 1.524(5) . ? C9' H9'A 1.0000 . ? C10' H10E 0.9900 . ? C10' H10C 0.9900 . ? loop_ _geom_angle_atom_site_label_1 _geom_angle_atom_site_label_2 _geom_angle_atom_site_label_3 _geom_angle _geom_angle_site_symmetry_1 _geom_angle_site_symmetry_3 _geom_angle_publ_flag O1 Eu1 O3 135.09(8) . . ? O1 Eu1 O2W 82.45(8) . . ? O3 Eu1 O2W 138.44(8) . . ? O1 Eu1 O3W 153.74(8) . . ? O3 Eu1 O3W 70.05(8) . . ? O2W Eu1 O3W 77.51(8) . . ? O1 Eu1 O5 103.44(8) . . ? O3 Eu1 O5 78.10(9) . . ? O2W Eu1 O5 75.34(8) . . ? O3W Eu1 O5 87.81(8) . . ? O1 Eu1 O4W 88.26(8) . . ? O3 Eu1 O4W 115.06(8) . . ? O2W Eu1 O4W 75.75(8) . . ? O3W Eu1 O4W 70.55(8) . . ? O5 Eu1 O4W 146.95(8) . . ? O1 Eu1 O1W 80.68(8) . . ? O3 Eu1 O1W 72.27(8) . . ? O2W Eu1 O1W 143.56(8) . . ? O3W Eu1 O1W 105.92(8) . . ? O5 Eu1 O1W 140.15(8) . . ? O4W Eu1 O1W 71.69(8) . . ? O1 Eu1 N2 69.33(9) . . ? O3 Eu1 N2 71.73(10) . . ? O2W Eu1 N2 121.62(10) . . ? O3W Eu1 N2 136.22(9) . . ? O5 Eu1 N2 63.97(9) . . ? O4W Eu1 N2 147.65(9) . . ? O1W Eu1 N2 81.58(10) . . ? O1 Eu1 N2' 75.5(2) . . ? O3 Eu1 N2' 61.6(3) . . ? O2W Eu1 N2' 136.6(4) . . ? O3W Eu1 N2' 130.8(2) . . ? O5 Eu1 N2' 74.2(3) . . ? O4W Eu1 N2' 138.9(3) . . ? O1W Eu1 N2' 68.6(3) . . ? N2 Eu1 N2' 15.0(3) . . ? O1 Eu1 H1WB 97.1 . . ? O3 Eu1 H1WB 65.0 . . ? O2W Eu1 H1WB 139.5 . . ? O3W Eu1 H1WB 87.5 . . ? O5 Eu1 H1WB 142.1 . . ? O4W Eu1 H1WB 63.8 . . ? O1W Eu1 H1WB 18.4 . . ? N2 Eu1 H1WB 95.1 . . ? N2' Eu1 H1WB 80.8 . . ? O1 Eu1 H2WA 71.5 . . ? O3 Eu1 H2WA 142.4 . . ? O2W Eu1 H2WA 15.6 . . ? O3W Eu1 H2WA 91.5 . . ? O5 Eu1 H2WA 68.4 . . ? O4W Eu1 H2WA 86.9 . . ? O1W Eu1 H2WA 145.3 . . ? N2 Eu1 H2WA 106.5 . . ? N2' Eu1 H2WA 121.4 . . ? H1WB Eu1 H2WA 149.3 . . ? O1 Eu1 H4WB 97.8 . . ? O3 Eu1 H4WB 99.2 . . ? O2W Eu1 H4WB 90.1 . . ? O3W Eu1 H4WB 65.7 . . ? O5 Eu1 H4WB 152.2 . . ? O4W Eu1 H4WB 16.3 . . ? O1W Eu1 H4WB 60.8 . . ? N2 Eu1 H4WB 142.0 . . ? N2' Eu1 H4WB 129.3 . . ? H1WB Eu1 H4WB 49.7 . . ? H2WA Eu1 H4WB 102.4 . . ? C2 O1 Eu1 133.6(2) . . ? C7 O2 H2O 129.2 . . ? C11 O3 Eu1 138.1(2) . . ? C12 O5 Eu1 124.8(2) . . ? C1 N1 C5 118.7(3) . . ? Eu1 O1W H1WA 124.7 . . ? Eu1 O1W H1WB 85.1 . . ? H1WA O1W H1WB 105.8 . . ? Eu1 O2W H2WB 118.6 . . ? Eu1 O2W H2WA 109.9 . . ? H2WB O2W H2WA 126.2 . . ? Eu1 O3W H3WB 122.6 . . ? Eu1 O3W H3WA 128.9 . . ? H3WB O3W H3WA 104.3 . . ? Eu1 O4W H4WB 104.9 . . ? Eu1 O4W H4WA 132.0 . . ? H4WB O4W H4WA 122.0 . . ? H5WB O5W H5WA 107(4) . . ? H5WB O5W' H5WA 107(4) . . ? N1 C1 C2 123.3(3) . . ? N1 C1 C6 117.9(3) . . ? C2 C1 C6 118.8(3) . . ? O1 C2 C3 124.6(3) . . ? O1 C2 C1 118.7(3) . . ? C3 C2 C1 116.7(3) . . ? C2 C3 C4 118.9(3) . . ? C2 C3 C8 119.4(3) . . ? C4 C3 C8 121.1(3) . . ? C2 C3 C8' 123.5(6) . . ? C4 C3 C8' 116.1(6) . . ? C5 C4 C3 118.7(3) . . ? C5 C4 C7 118.3(3) . . ? C3 C4 C7 122.9(3) . . ? N1 C5 C4 123.5(3) . . ? N1 C5 H5A 118.3 . . ? C4 C5 H5A 118.3 . . ? C1 C6 H6A 109.5 . . ? C1 C6 H6B 109.5 . . ? H6A C6 H6B 109.5 . . ? C1 C6 H6C 109.5 . . ? H6A C6 H6C 109.5 . . ? H6B C6 H6C 109.5 . . ? O2 C7 C4 110.1(3) . . ? O2 C7 H7A 109.6 . . ? C4 C7 H7A 109.6 . . ? O2 C7 H7B 109.6 . . ? C4 C7 H7B 109.6 . . ? H7A C7 H7B 108.2 . . ? C8 N2 C9 116.9(3) . . ? C8 N2 Eu1 131.4(2) . . ? C9 N2 Eu1 111.7(2) . . ? N2 C8 C3 123.8(3) . . ? N2 C8 H8A 118.1 . . ? C3 C8 H8A 118.1 . . ? N2 C9 C10 111.5(3) . . ? N2 C9 C12 110.5(3) . . ? C10 C9 C12 109.9(3) . . ? N2 C9 H9A 108.3 . . ? C10 C9 H9A 108.3 . . ? C12 C9 H9A 108.3 . . ? C9 C10 C11 115.9(3) . . ? C9 C10 H10A 108.3 . . ? C11 C10 H10A 108.3 . . ? C9 C10 H10B 108.3 . . ? C11 C10 H10B 108.3 . . ? H10A C10 H10B 107.4 . . ? O4 C11 O3 124.1(3) . . ? O4 C11 C10 111.6(3) . . ? O3 C11 C10 124.2(3) . . ? O4 C11 C9' 131.0(6) . . ? O3 C11 C9' 101.4(6) . . ? O6 C12 O5 124.2(3) . . ? O6 C12 C9 121.8(3) . . ? O5 C12 C9 113.8(3) . . ? O6 C12 C10' 94.7(5) . . ? O5 C12 C10' 138.8(5) . . ? C8' N2' C9' 124.2(7) . . ? C8' N2' Eu1 126.0(8) . . ? C9' N2' Eu1 109.8(7) . . ? N2' C8' C3 129.0(10) . . ? N2' C8' H8'A 115.5 . . ? C3 C8' H8'A 115.5 . . ? N2' C9' C10' 110.2(11) . . ? N2' C9' C11 118.4(9) . . ? C10' C9' C11 108.3(9) . . ? N2' C9' H9'A 106.4 . . ? C10' C9' H9'A 106.4 . . ? C11 C9' H9'A 106.4 . . ? C9' C10' C12 109.2(11) . . ? C9' C10' H10E 109.8 . . ? C12 C10' H10E 109.8 . . ? C9' C10' H10C 109.8 . . ? C12 C10' H10C 109.8 . . ? H10E C10' H10C 108.3 . . ? _diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_max 0.999 _diffrn_reflns_theta_full 29.00 _diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_full 0.999 _refine_diff_density_max 1.019 _refine_diff_density_min -0.997 _refine_diff_density_rms 0.125 _publ_section_references ; Bruker, Programs APEX II, version 2.0-1; SAINT, version 7.23A; SADABS, version 2004/1; XPREP, version 2005/2; SHELXTL, version 6.1. Bruker AXS Inc., Madison, WI, USA, 2005. G.M. Sheldrick, Programs SHELXS97 (crystal structure solution) and SHELXL97 (crystal structure refinement), University of Gottingen, Germany, 1997. ; _publ_section_exptl_refinement ; The hydrogen atoms of NH group were found in difference Fourier synthesis. The H(C) atom positions were calculated. All hydrogen atoms were refined in isotropic approximatiom in riding model with the Uiso(H) parameters equal to 1.2 Ueq(Ci), for methyl groups equal to 1.5 Ueq(Cii), where U(Ci) and U(Cii) are respectively the equivalent thermal parameters of the carbon atoms to which corresponding H atoms are bonded. ; # Attachment 'sampl2.cif' data_a _database_code_depnum_ccdc_archive 'CCDC 644341' _audit_creation_method SHELXL-97 _chemical_name_systematic ; ? ; _chemical_name_common ? _chemical_melting_point ? _chemical_formula_moiety 'C28 H34 Eu N8 O10, 4(H2 O), Cl' _chemical_formula_sum 'C28 H42 Cl Eu N8 O14' _chemical_formula_weight 902.11 loop_ _atom_type_symbol _atom_type_description _atom_type_scat_dispersion_real _atom_type_scat_dispersion_imag _atom_type_scat_source C C 0.0033 0.0016 'International Tables Vol C Tables and' H H 0.0000 0.0000 'International Tables Vol C Tables and' N N 0.0061 0.0033 'International Tables Vol C Tables and' O O 0.0106 0.0060 'International Tables Vol C Tables and' Eu Eu -0.1578 3.6682 'International Tables Vol C Tables and' Cl Cl 0.1484 0.1585 'International Tables Vol C Tables and' _symmetry_cell_setting Orthorhombic _symmetry_space_group_name_H-M C222(1) _chemical_absolute_configuration ad _symmetry_space_group_name_Hall 'C 2c 2' loop_ _symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz 'x, y, z' '-x, -y, z+1/2' '-x, y, -z+1/2' 'x, -y, -z' 'x+1/2, y+1/2, z' '-x+1/2, -y+1/2, z+1/2' '-x+1/2, y+1/2, -z+1/2' 'x+1/2, -y+1/2, -z' _cell_length_a 7.2681(19) _cell_length_b 20.816(5) _cell_length_c 23.403(6) _cell_angle_alpha 90.00 _cell_angle_beta 90.00 _cell_angle_gamma 90.00 _cell_volume 3540.7(16) _cell_formula_units_Z 4 _cell_measurement_temperature 100(2) _cell_measurement_reflns_used 744 _cell_measurement_theta_min 2.62 _cell_measurement_theta_max 19.58 _exptl_crystal_description plate _exptl_crystal_colour yellow _exptl_crystal_size_max 0.11 _exptl_crystal_size_mid 0.08 _exptl_crystal_size_min 0.04 _exptl_crystal_density_meas 0 _exptl_crystal_density_diffrn 1.692 _exptl_crystal_density_method 'not measured' _exptl_crystal_F_000 1832 _exptl_absorpt_coefficient_mu 1.925 _exptl_absorpt_correction_type multi-scan _exptl_absorpt_correction_T_min 0.8162 _exptl_absorpt_correction_T_max 0.9270 _exptl_absorpt_process_details 'APEX2 (Bruker, 2005)' _exptl_special_details ; ? ; _diffrn_ambient_temperature 100(2) _diffrn_radiation_wavelength 0.71073 _diffrn_radiation_type MoK\a _diffrn_radiation_source 'fine-focus sealed tube' _diffrn_radiation_monochromator graphite _diffrn_measurement_device_type 'Bruker SMART APEX2 CCD area detector' _diffrn_measurement_method 'phi and omega scans' _diffrn_detector_area_resol_mean ? _diffrn_standards_number ? _diffrn_standards_interval_count ? _diffrn_standards_interval_time ? _diffrn_standards_decay_% ? _diffrn_reflns_number 15989 _diffrn_reflns_av_R_equivalents 0.1654 _diffrn_reflns_av_sigmaI/netI 0.1467 _diffrn_reflns_limit_h_min -9 _diffrn_reflns_limit_h_max 9 _diffrn_reflns_limit_k_min -24 _diffrn_reflns_limit_k_max 26 _diffrn_reflns_limit_l_min -29 _diffrn_reflns_limit_l_max 29 _diffrn_reflns_theta_min 1.74 _diffrn_reflns_theta_max 27.00 _reflns_number_total 3859 _reflns_number_gt 2833 _reflns_threshold_expression I>2u(I) _computing_data_collection 'APEX2 (Bruker, 2005)' _computing_cell_refinement 'APEX2 (Bruker, 2005)' _computing_data_reduction 'APEX2 (Bruker, 2005)' _computing_structure_solution 'SHELXTL ver. 5.1 (Sheldrick, 1998)' _computing_structure_refinement 'SHELXTL ver. 5.1 (Sheldrick, 1998)' _computing_molecular_graphics 'SHELXTL ver. 5.1 (Sheldrick, 1998)' _computing_publication_material 'SHELXTL ver. 5.1 (Sheldrick, 1998)' _refine_special_details ; Refinement of F^2^ against ALL reflections. The weighted R-factor wR and goodness of fit S are based on F^2^, conventional R-factors R are based on F, with F set to zero for negative F^2^. The threshold expression of F^2^ > 2sigma(F^2^) is used only for calculating R-factors(gt) etc. and is not relevant to the choice of reflections for refinement. R-factors based on F^2^ are statistically about twice as large as those based on F, and R- factors based on ALL data will be even larger. We have to emphasize that chlorine atom marked in cif as Cl(1) can be treated not only as chlorine (s.o.f. 0.5) and oxygen (s.of. 1.00) but even as potassium (s.o.f. 1.0). The latter is unfavorable from the point of view of contacts formed by the atom (coordination 3 is too unusual for potassium). Of course the main reason to treat that atom as chlorine is the overall charge of the complexe. As it is discussed in the article N(1) atom of pyridoxal ring is unambiguously protonated. The discrepancy factor (R1) can serve as an additional independent justification of this mode. Thus for chlorine the R-factor value is the lowest one (0.0626) while for oxygen with s.o.f. 1.00 it is slightly higher 0.0634. The refinement of ADP values was carried out with restraints (DELU instruction) ; _refine_ls_structure_factor_coef Fsqd _refine_ls_matrix_type full _refine_ls_weighting_scheme calc _refine_ls_weighting_details 'calc w=1/[\s^2^(Fo^2^)+(0.0400P)^2^+0.0000P] where P=(Fo^2^+2Fc^2^)/3' _atom_sites_solution_primary direct _atom_sites_solution_secondary difmap _atom_sites_solution_hydrogens mixed _refine_ls_hydrogen_treatment constr _refine_ls_extinction_method none _refine_ls_extinction_coef ? _refine_ls_abs_structure_details 'Flack H D (1983), Acta Cryst. A39, 876-881' _refine_ls_abs_structure_Flack 0.01(3) _refine_ls_number_reflns 3859 _refine_ls_number_parameters 236 _refine_ls_number_restraints 68 _refine_ls_R_factor_all 0.1000 _refine_ls_R_factor_gt 0.0626 _refine_ls_wR_factor_ref 0.1286 _refine_ls_wR_factor_gt 0.1148 _refine_ls_goodness_of_fit_ref 1.041 _refine_ls_restrained_S_all 1.033 _refine_ls_shift/su_max 0.000 _refine_ls_shift/su_mean 0.000 loop_ _atom_site_label _atom_site_type_symbol _atom_site_fract_x _atom_site_fract_y _atom_site_fract_z _atom_site_U_iso_or_equiv _atom_site_adp_type _atom_site_occupancy _atom_site_symmetry_multiplicity _atom_site_calc_flag _atom_site_refinement_flags _atom_site_disorder_assembly _atom_site_disorder_group Eu1 Eu 0.5000 0.76868(3) 0.7500 0.01355(16) Uani 1 2 d SU . . Cl1 Cl 0.0924(7) 0.9266(2) 0.50298(19) 0.0214(11) Uani 0.50 1 d P . . O1W O 0.4075(9) 0.7979(3) 0.6543(3) 0.0215(16) Uani 1 1 d U . . H1WA H 0.3479 0.8312 0.6444 0.026 Uiso 1 1 d R . . H1WB H 0.3342 0.7783 0.6320 0.026 Uiso 1 1 d R . . N1 N 0.2948(13) 0.5144(4) 0.7228(4) 0.0161(13) Uani 1 1 d U . . H1A H 0.3217 0.4795 0.7049 0.019 Uiso 1 1 calc R . . O1 O 0.3570(9) 0.6826(3) 0.7057(3) 0.0184(15) Uani 1 1 d U . . C1 C 0.3414(13) 0.5705(5) 0.6981(4) 0.015(2) Uani 1 1 d U . . O2 O -0.0052(18) 0.4956(3) 0.8708(2) 0.0274(15) Uani 1 1 d U . . H2O H 0.0295 0.4566 0.8696 0.033 Uiso 1 1 d R . . O2W O 0.2326(10) 0.9098(3) 0.6171(3) 0.0272(18) Uani 1 1 d . . . H2WA H 0.2216 0.9119 0.5810 0.033 Uiso 1 1 d R . . H2WB H 0.1318 0.9083 0.6355 0.033 Uiso 1 1 d R . . C2 C 0.3032(16) 0.6292(5) 0.7286(4) 0.015(2) Uani 1 1 d U . . N2 N 0.2079(10) 0.7381(4) 0.8049(3) 0.0161(13) Uani 1 1 d U . . O3W O -0.3034(11) 0.9495(4) 0.5366(3) 0.041(2) Uani 1 1 d . . . H3WA H -0.1908 0.9442 0.5279 0.049 Uiso 1 1 d R . . H3WB H -0.2999 0.9751 0.5648 0.049 Uiso 1 1 d R . . O3 O 0.2976(10) 0.8555(3) 0.7700(3) 0.0213(16) Uani 1 1 d U . . C3 C 0.2052(16) 0.6249(5) 0.7809(4) 0.018(2) Uani 1 1 d U . . N3 N -0.1645(11) 0.7351(5) 0.9186(3) 0.0238(18) Uani 1 1 d U . . O4 O 0.0867(10) 0.9044(3) 0.8235(3) 0.0217(16) Uani 1 1 d U . . C4 C 0.1618(14) 0.5644(5) 0.8036(4) 0.017(2) Uani 1 1 d U . . N4 N -0.0720(12) 0.6593(5) 0.9789(4) 0.028(2) Uani 1 1 d U . . H4A H -0.0757 0.6274 1.0021 0.033 Uiso 1 1 calc R . . C5 C 0.2099(16) 0.5092(5) 0.7730(5) 0.020(3) Uani 1 1 d U . . H5A H 0.1825 0.4688 0.7877 0.024 Uiso 1 1 calc R . . C6 C 0.4270(14) 0.5690(5) 0.6394(4) 0.019(2) Uani 1 1 d U . . H6A H 0.4863 0.5284 0.6335 0.029 Uiso 1 1 calc R . . H6B H 0.5161 0.6029 0.6363 0.029 Uiso 1 1 calc R . . H6C H 0.3330 0.5749 0.6111 0.029 Uiso 1 1 calc R . . C7 C 0.0742(13) 0.5579(4) 0.8621(4) 0.017(2) Uani 1 1 d U . . H7A H 0.1667 0.5656 0.8912 0.021 Uiso 1 1 calc R . . H7B H -0.0207 0.5903 0.8664 0.021 Uiso 1 1 calc R . . C8 C 0.1355(14) 0.6832(5) 0.8072(4) 0.015(2) Uani 1 1 d U . . H8A H 0.0265 0.6797 0.8278 0.018 Uiso 1 1 calc R . . C9 C 0.1078(13) 0.7920(4) 0.8311(4) 0.0144(19) Uani 1 1 d U . . H9A H -0.0233 0.7869 0.8223 0.017 Uiso 1 1 calc R . . C10 C 0.1307(15) 0.7915(5) 0.8972(4) 0.020(2) Uani 1 1 d U . . H10A H 0.2603 0.7869 0.9063 0.024 Uiso 1 1 calc R . . H10B H 0.0899 0.8325 0.9123 0.024 Uiso 1 1 calc R . . C11 C 0.0276(16) 0.7397(5) 0.9258(3) 0.017(2) Uani 1 1 d U . . C12 C -0.2141(15) 0.6861(5) 0.9511(4) 0.021(2) Uani 1 1 d U . . H12A H -0.3348 0.6717 0.9543 0.026 Uiso 1 1 calc R . . C13 C 0.0828(16) 0.6940(6) 0.9622(5) 0.028(3) Uani 1 1 d U . . H13A H 0.2030 0.6868 0.9742 0.034 Uiso 1 1 calc R . . C14 C 0.1714(13) 0.8553(5) 0.8065(4) 0.0129(19) Uani 1 1 d U . . loop_ _atom_site_aniso_label _atom_site_aniso_U_11 _atom_site_aniso_U_22 _atom_site_aniso_U_33 _atom_site_aniso_U_23 _atom_site_aniso_U_13 _atom_site_aniso_U_12 Eu1 0.0166(3) 0.0074(3) 0.0167(3) 0.000 0.0026(6) 0.000 Cl1 0.034(3) 0.015(3) 0.015(2) -0.004(2) -0.011(2) 0.009(2) O1W 0.028(4) 0.013(4) 0.023(3) 0.004(3) -0.004(3) 0.003(3) N1 0.023(3) 0.008(3) 0.017(3) 0.000(2) 0.003(2) 0.003(3) O1 0.021(4) 0.013(3) 0.021(4) -0.004(3) 0.010(3) -0.003(3) C1 0.021(6) 0.009(4) 0.013(4) -0.003(3) -0.006(4) -0.005(4) O2 0.038(4) 0.007(3) 0.037(3) 0.002(2) 0.019(6) 0.003(6) O2W 0.033(5) 0.022(5) 0.027(4) 0.001(3) 0.008(3) -0.005(3) C2 0.023(6) 0.011(4) 0.012(5) 0.001(3) -0.005(4) -0.001(4) N2 0.023(3) 0.008(3) 0.017(3) 0.000(2) 0.003(2) 0.003(3) O3W 0.044(5) 0.040(6) 0.038(5) -0.016(4) 0.022(4) -0.010(4) O3 0.029(4) 0.009(3) 0.025(4) -0.001(3) 0.004(3) 0.002(3) C3 0.025(6) 0.007(4) 0.022(5) 0.001(4) 0.011(5) 0.000(5) N3 0.022(4) 0.019(5) 0.030(5) 0.003(4) 0.007(3) -0.002(4) O4 0.025(4) 0.012(4) 0.028(4) 0.008(3) 0.011(3) -0.001(3) C4 0.021(6) 0.016(5) 0.013(5) 0.001(4) 0.000(4) -0.004(4) N4 0.042(6) 0.026(6) 0.016(5) 0.004(4) 0.003(4) -0.004(4) C5 0.025(7) 0.010(5) 0.026(5) 0.000(4) 0.005(4) 0.005(5) C6 0.026(6) 0.008(5) 0.023(5) -0.005(4) 0.000(4) 0.003(4) C7 0.022(5) 0.009(5) 0.021(5) -0.006(4) 0.001(4) -0.003(4) C8 0.030(6) 0.009(4) 0.005(4) 0.004(4) -0.001(4) -0.004(4) C9 0.017(5) 0.010(4) 0.016(4) -0.002(3) 0.001(4) 0.005(4) C10 0.029(6) 0.006(5) 0.024(5) -0.003(4) 0.005(4) 0.000(4) C11 0.022(6) 0.012(4) 0.016(4) -0.003(3) 0.002(4) 0.001(5) C12 0.024(5) 0.015(6) 0.024(6) -0.005(4) 0.010(4) -0.004(4) C13 0.030(5) 0.027(7) 0.028(7) 0.006(5) -0.004(5) -0.001(5) C14 0.013(5) 0.010(4) 0.016(5) 0.005(4) -0.005(4) 0.001(4) _geom_special_details ; All esds (except the esd in the dihedral angle between two l.s. planes) are estimated using the full covariance matrix. The cell esds are taken into account individually in the estimation of esds in distances, angles and torsion angles; correlations between esds in cell parameters are only used when they are defined by crystal symmetry. An approximate (isotropic) treatment of cell esds is used for estimating esds involving l.s. planes. ; loop_ _geom_bond_atom_site_label_1 _geom_bond_atom_site_label_2 _geom_bond_distance _geom_bond_site_symmetry_2 _geom_bond_publ_flag Eu1 O1 2.316(7) 3_656 ? Eu1 O1 2.316(7) . ? Eu1 O3 2.377(7) 3_656 ? Eu1 O3 2.377(7) . ? Eu1 O1W 2.417(6) 3_656 ? Eu1 O1W 2.417(6) . ? Eu1 N2 2.562(8) . ? Eu1 N2 2.562(8) 3_656 ? O1W H1WA 0.8500 . ? O1W H1WB 0.8499 . ? N1 C5 1.331(10) . ? N1 C1 1.345(13) . ? N1 H1A 0.8600 . ? O1 C2 1.296(12) . ? C1 C2 1.442(14) . ? C1 C6 1.508(12) . ? O2 C7 1.435(11) . ? O2 H2O 0.8500 . ? O2W H2WA 0.8501 . ? O2W H2WB 0.8501 . ? C2 C3 1.418(12) . ? N2 C8 1.259(12) . ? N2 C9 1.470(11) . ? O3W H3WA 0.8502 . ? O3W H3WB 0.8496 . ? O3 C14 1.253(11) . ? C3 C4 1.404(14) . ? C3 C8 1.452(14) . ? N3 C12 1.321(13) . ? N3 C11 1.410(14) . ? O4 C14 1.258(12) . ? C4 C5 1.399(14) . ? C4 C7 1.516(12) . ? N4 C12 1.342(14) . ? N4 C13 1.392(13) . ? N4 H4A 0.8600 . ? C5 H5A 0.9300 . ? C6 H6A 0.9600 . ? C6 H6B 0.9600 . ? C6 H6C 0.9600 . ? C7 H7A 0.9700 . ? C7 H7B 0.9700 . ? C8 H8A 0.9300 . ? C9 C14 1.510(13) . ? C9 C10 1.558(12) . ? C9 H9A 0.9800 . ? C10 C11 1.473(14) . ? C10 H10A 0.9700 . ? C10 H10B 0.9700 . ? C11 C13 1.337(14) . ? C12 H12A 0.9300 . ? C13 H13A 0.9300 . ? loop_ _geom_angle_atom_site_label_1 _geom_angle_atom_site_label_2 _geom_angle_atom_site_label_3 _geom_angle _geom_angle_site_symmetry_1 _geom_angle_site_symmetry_3 _geom_angle_publ_flag O1 Eu1 O1 78.7(3) 3_656 . ? O1 Eu1 O3 113.5(2) 3_656 3_656 ? O1 Eu1 O3 141.0(2) . 3_656 ? O1 Eu1 O3 141.0(2) 3_656 . ? O1 Eu1 O3 113.5(2) . . ? O3 Eu1 O3 81.0(3) 3_656 . ? O1 Eu1 O1W 69.8(2) 3_656 3_656 ? O1 Eu1 O1W 137.3(2) . 3_656 ? O3 Eu1 O1W 79.6(2) 3_656 3_656 ? O3 Eu1 O1W 78.3(2) . 3_656 ? O1 Eu1 O1W 137.3(2) 3_656 . ? O1 Eu1 O1W 69.8(2) . . ? O3 Eu1 O1W 78.3(2) 3_656 . ? O3 Eu1 O1W 79.6(2) . . ? O1W Eu1 O1W 150.9(3) 3_656 . ? O1 Eu1 N2 87.4(2) 3_656 . ? O1 Eu1 N2 70.2(2) . . ? O3 Eu1 N2 143.2(3) 3_656 . ? O3 Eu1 N2 65.0(3) . . ? O1W Eu1 N2 80.1(2) 3_656 . ? O1W Eu1 N2 107.3(2) . . ? O1 Eu1 N2 70.2(2) 3_656 3_656 ? O1 Eu1 N2 87.4(2) . 3_656 ? O3 Eu1 N2 65.0(3) 3_656 3_656 ? O3 Eu1 N2 143.2(3) . 3_656 ? O1W Eu1 N2 107.3(2) 3_656 3_656 ? O1W Eu1 N2 80.1(2) . 3_656 ? N2 Eu1 N2 151.2(4) . 3_656 ? Eu1 O1W H1WA 126.8 . . ? Eu1 O1W H1WB 128.5 . . ? H1WA O1W H1WB 84.6 . . ? C5 N1 C1 124.5(10) . . ? C5 N1 H1A 117.8 . . ? C1 N1 H1A 117.8 . . ? C2 O1 Eu1 127.9(6) . . ? N1 C1 C2 118.3(9) . . ? N1 C1 C6 118.5(9) . . ? C2 C1 C6 123.2(9) . . ? C7 O2 H2O 137.6 . . ? H2WA O2W H2WB 115.2 . . ? O1 C2 C3 124.2(10) . . ? O1 C2 C1 117.7(9) . . ? C3 C2 C1 118.1(10) . . ? C8 N2 C9 117.9(8) . . ? C8 N2 Eu1 126.4(7) . . ? C9 N2 Eu1 115.4(6) . . ? H3WA O3W H3WB 103.8 . . ? C14 O3 Eu1 125.8(6) . . ? C4 C3 C2 119.7(10) . . ? C4 C3 C8 120.7(10) . . ? C2 C3 C8 119.3(10) . . ? C12 N3 C11 104.7(9) . . ? C5 C4 C3 119.1(10) . . ? C5 C4 C7 119.6(9) . . ? C3 C4 C7 121.1(9) . . ? C12 N4 C13 105.7(9) . . ? C12 N4 H4A 127.2 . . ? C13 N4 H4A 127.2 . . ? N1 C5 C4 120.1(11) . . ? N1 C5 H5A 119.9 . . ? C4 C5 H5A 120.0 . . ? C1 C6 H6A 109.5 . . ? C1 C6 H6B 109.5 . . ? H6A C6 H6B 109.5 . . ? C1 C6 H6C 109.5 . . ? H6A C6 H6C 109.5 . . ? H6B C6 H6C 109.5 . . ? O2 C7 C4 112.2(7) . . ? O2 C7 H7A 109.2 . . ? C4 C7 H7A 109.2 . . ? O2 C7 H7B 109.1 . . ? C4 C7 H7B 109.2 . . ? H7A C7 H7B 107.9 . . ? N2 C8 C3 126.5(10) . . ? N2 C8 H8A 116.8 . . ? C3 C8 H8A 116.8 . . ? N2 C9 C14 110.8(8) . . ? N2 C9 C10 110.8(7) . . ? C14 C9 C10 110.6(8) . . ? N2 C9 H9A 108.2 . . ? C14 C9 H9A 108.2 . . ? C10 C9 H9A 108.2 . . ? C11 C10 C9 113.7(8) . . ? C11 C10 H10A 108.8 . . ? C9 C10 H10A 108.8 . . ? C11 C10 H10B 108.8 . . ? C9 C10 H10B 108.8 . . ? H10A C10 H10B 107.7 . . ? C13 C11 N3 109.0(10) . . ? C13 C11 C10 131.0(11) . . ? N3 C11 C10 120.0(9) . . ? N3 C12 N4 112.9(10) . . ? N3 C12 H12A 123.5 . . ? N4 C12 H12A 123.5 . . ? C11 C13 N4 107.7(10) . . ? C11 C13 H13A 126.1 . . ? N4 C13 H13A 126.1 . . ? O4 C14 O3 124.8(9) . . ? O4 C14 C9 116.1(9) . . ? O3 C14 C9 119.1(9) . . ? _diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_max 1.000 _diffrn_reflns_theta_full 27.00 _diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_full 1.000 _refine_diff_density_max 1.158 _refine_diff_density_min -1.508 _refine_diff_density_rms 0.188 _publ_section_references ; Bruker (2005). APEX2 softwarwe package, Bruker AXS Inc., 5465, East Cheryl Parkway, Madison, WI 5317. Sheldrick G.M. (1998). SHELXTL v. 5.10, Structure Determination Software Suite, Bruker AXS, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. ; _publ_section_exptl_refinement ; The hydrogen atoms of NH group were found in difference Fourier synthesis. The H(C) atom positions were calculated. All hydrogen atoms were refined in isotropic approximatiom in riding model with the Uiso(H) parameters equal to 1.2 Ueq(Ci), for methyl groups equal to 1.5 Ueq(Cii), where U(Ci) and U(Cii) are respectively the equivalent thermal parameters of the carbon atoms to which corresponding H atoms are bonded. ;