J. Environ. Monit., 2003, 5

Additions and corrections

Monitoring cyclical air/water elemental mercury exchange

Nicholas T. Loux

J. Environ. Monit., 2001, 3, 43. (DOI: 10.1039/b005545j). Amendment published 8th January 2003

The author wishes to point out an error in the section of the discussion on the estimation of global distillation/cold condensation for an inert gas.

Specifically, the equation for relating mercury vapour pressures at 40 and −60 °C is incorrect ([Hg]atm,40/[Hg]atm,−60 = e213.16/313.16 = 1.98). The author wishes to retract both this expression and the discussion pertaining to it.

More recent work (Loux and Frick, 2003) suggests that moving an air mass with a given concentration of mercury (in ng m−3) from a region where T = 40 °C to a region where T = −60 °C will lead to a mass concentration increase of ~1.5 (assuming ideal gas behavior). The similarity between this mass concentration factor of 1.5 to the previous partial pressure estimate of 1.98 is entirely fortuitous.

The Royal Society of Chemistry apologises for these errors and any consequent inconvenience to authors and readers.

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