# Supplementary Material (ESI) for Journal of Materials Chemistry # This journal is (C) The Royal Society of Chemistry 2007 data_global _journal_name_full J.Mater.Chem. _journal_coden_Cambridge 1145 _publ_contact_author_name 'W.G. Skene' _publ_contact_author_address ; Department of Chemistry University of Montreal CP 6128 Succ Centre-Ville Montreal Quebec H3C 3J7 CANADA ; _publ_contact_author_email W.SKENE@UMONTREAL.CA _publ_section_title ; Photophysical, Electrochemical, and Crystallographic Investigation of Conjugated Fluoreno Azomethines and Their Precursors ; loop_ _publ_author_name 'W.G. Skene' 'Stephane Dufresne' 'Sergio Andres Perez Guarin' 'Assa Sylla' 'Derek Tsang' data_sken25 _database_code_depnum_ccdc_archive 'CCDC 630800' _cell_formula_units_Z ? #Added by publCIF _audit_update_record ; 2007-03-25 # Formatted by publCIF ; _symmetry_cell_setting triclinic _symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'P -1' _symmetry_Int_Tables_number 2 loop_ _symmetry_equiv_pos_site_id _symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz 1 x,y,z 2 -x,-y,-z _cell_length_a 13.5680(9) _cell_length_b 14.9070(10) _cell_length_c 24.0773(18) _cell_angle_alpha 76.898(3) _cell_angle_beta 74.505(2) _cell_angle_gamma 77.736(2) _cell_volume 4510.45 loop_ _atom_site_label _atom_site_type_symbol _atom_site_fract_x _atom_site_fract_y _atom_site_fract_z N12 N 0.81092(13) 0.09525(12) 0.83114(8) N11 N 1.09694(12) 0.34968(12) 1.16337(7) C11 C 1.10880(15) 0.34305(16) 1.37501(9) H11A H 1.0940 0.2793 1.3930 H11B H 1.0461 0.3888 1.3866 C12 C 1.20081(15) 0.36192(14) 1.39264(9) C13 C 1.21634(17) 0.35817(15) 1.44797(10) H13 H 1.1630 0.3454 1.4820 C14 C 1.31158(18) 0.37344(16) 1.45280(11) H14 H 1.3232 0.3701 1.4905 C15 C 1.38987(18) 0.39346(16) 1.40297(11) H15 H 1.4541 0.4037 1.4071 C16 C 1.37476(16) 0.39859(15) 1.34729(10) H16 H 1.4278 0.4131 1.3134 C17 C 1.27998(14) 0.38202(13) 1.34213(9) C18 C 1.24467(14) 0.37785(13) 1.29042(9) C19 C 1.29355(15) 0.39408(13) 1.23072(9) H19 H 1.3613 0.4098 1.2183 C110 C 1.24128(15) 0.38674(13) 1.18998(9) H110 H 1.2726 0.4000 1.1494 C111 C 1.14275(15) 0.35999(13) 1.20797(9) C112 C 1.09332(15) 0.34424(14) 1.26777(9) H112 H 1.0261 0.3273 1.2800 C113 C 1.14410(14) 0.35376(13) 1.30881(9) C140 C 1.06218(14) 0.27267(14) 1.17081(9) H140 H 1.0658 0.2291 1.2060 C114 C 0.91777(13) 0.33607(12) 0.98404(8) C115 C 0.95552(13) 0.28162(12) 1.03931(8) C116 C 0.99156(13) 0.31255(13) 1.07875(8) H116 H 0.9990 0.3762 1.0729 C117 C 1.01757(14) 0.24827(14) 1.12837(8) C118 C 1.00521(14) 0.15476(13) 1.13682(9) H118 H 1.0212 0.1125 1.1704 C119 C 0.96977(14) 0.12286(13) 1.09676(8) H119 H 0.9623 0.0592 1.1025 C120 C 0.94531(13) 0.18631(13) 1.04787(8) C121 C 0.91040(13) 0.17127(12) 0.99891(8) C122 C 0.89051(14) 0.08864(13) 0.98837(9) H122 H 0.8963 0.0323 1.0161 C123 C 0.86234(14) 0.09073(13) 0.93704(9) H123 H 0.8482 0.0353 0.9297 C124 C 0.85412(13) 0.17422(13) 0.89497(9) C125 C 0.87108(13) 0.25773(12) 0.90706(8) H125 H 0.8643 0.3143 0.8797 C126 C 0.89786(13) 0.25655(12) 0.95936(8) C127 C 0.70270(15) -0.09874(14) 0.71914(9) H12A H 0.6295 -0.1000 0.7404 H12B H 0.7455 -0.1585 0.7322 C128 C 0.74200(14) -0.01612(13) 0.72828(9) C129 C 0.75468(15) 0.00375(14) 0.77927(9) H129 H 0.7369 -0.0374 0.8155 C130 C 0.79394(15) 0.08490(14) 0.77748(9) C131 C 0.81880(16) 0.14619(14) 0.72315(9) H131 H 0.8443 0.2015 0.7217 C132 C 0.80634(15) 0.12618(14) 0.67213(9) H132 H 0.8232 0.1676 0.6359 C133 C 0.76862(14) 0.04424(13) 0.67426(9) C134 C 0.75264(14) 0.00440(13) 0.62754(9) C135 C 0.77291(15) 0.03459(14) 0.56648(9) H135 H 0.7993 0.0912 0.5492 C136 C 0.75393(16) -0.01936(15) 0.53194(10) H136 H 0.7678 0.0002 0.4906 C137 C 0.71457(17) -0.10230(15) 0.55712(10) H137 H 0.7015 -0.1383 0.5328 C138 C 0.69419(15) -0.13298(14) 0.61804(10) H138 H 0.6673 -0.1894 0.6350 C139 C 0.71378(14) -0.08004(13) 0.65295(9) C141 C 0.83003(14) 0.17137(13) 0.83966(9) H141 H 0.8285 0.2257 0.8101 C142 C 0.81500(14) 0.40162(13) 1.00631(8) H14A H 0.7705 0.3639 1.0386 H14B H 0.8325 0.4494 1.0231 C143 C 0.75072(15) 0.45239(14) 0.96121(9) H14C H 0.7126 0.4081 0.9540 H14D H 0.7979 0.4746 0.9237 C144 C 0.67249(14) 0.53656(14) 0.98254(8) H14E H 0.7116 0.5844 0.9844 H14F H 0.6302 0.5644 0.9533 C145 C 0.59961(14) 0.51230(13) 1.04255(8) H14G H 0.5584 0.4664 1.0403 H14H H 0.6418 0.4823 1.0716 C146 C 0.52534(14) 0.59668(13) 1.06416(8) H14I H 0.5656 0.6462 1.0616 H14J H 0.4765 0.6217 1.0382 C147 C 0.46349(14) 0.57247(13) 1.12734(8) H14K H 0.4127 0.5332 1.1280 H14L H 0.5116 0.5349 1.1516 C148 C 0.40548(15) 0.65723(14) 1.15519(9) H14M H 0.4542 0.7012 1.1495 H14N H 0.3500 0.6896 1.1347 C149 C 0.35731(17) 0.63217(15) 1.22064(9) H14O H 0.3040 0.5935 1.2265 H14P H 0.3258 0.6895 1.2364 H14Q H 0.4112 0.5975 1.2411 C150 C 0.99785(14) 0.39484(12) 0.94097(8) H15A H 0.9686 0.4283 0.9070 H15B H 1.0077 0.4424 0.9609 C151 C 1.10393(14) 0.33901(13) 0.91824(9) H15C H 1.0960 0.2958 0.8945 H15D H 1.1315 0.3011 0.9519 C152 C 1.18145(14) 0.40313(13) 0.88064(9) H15E H 1.1524 0.4424 0.8479 H15F H 1.1902 0.4452 0.9048 C153 C 1.28824(14) 0.34978(14) 0.85547(9) H15G H 1.3382 0.3942 0.8406 H15H H 1.3119 0.3029 0.8875 C154 C 1.29022(13) 0.30041(13) 0.80622(8) H15I H 1.2671 0.3472 0.7739 H15J H 1.2404 0.2558 0.8209 C155 C 1.39756(14) 0.24765(14) 0.78208(9) H15K H 1.4467 0.2928 0.7669 H15L H 1.4211 0.2022 0.8148 C156 C 1.40237(15) 0.19560(15) 0.73355(9) H15M H 1.3963 0.2413 0.6972 H15N H 1.3429 0.1613 0.7449 C157 C 1.50335(17) 0.12658(18) 0.72152(12) H15O H 1.5624 0.1602 0.7102 H15P H 1.5039 0.0955 0.6896 H15Q H 1.5084 0.0798 0.7570 H22B H -0.1019 0.8600 0.3538 H229 H -0.1494 0.7666 0.2712 H230 H -0.0589 0.6558 0.2131 H238 H -0.0805 0.8559 0.4716 H331 H -0.1281 0.7268 0.2420 H332 H -0.1321 0.8032 0.3181 H335 H -0.0949 0.8642 0.4108 H336 H -0.0242 0.8888 0.4863 H341 H -0.0007 0.8477 0.5712 H24K H 0.5998 1.1690 0.5258 H24L H 0.5426 1.2075 0.4735 H29A H 0.4811 1.3498 0.5170 H29B H 0.5994 1.3323 0.4807 H29C H 0.5380 1.2701 0.6041 H29D H 0.6546 1.2639 0.5668 H29E H 0.6418 1.4212 0.5542 H29F H 0.6165 1.3748 0.6222 H29G H 0.5242 1.4280 0.5912 _refine_special_details ; Owing the extreme disorder of one of the molecules within the lattice, some restraints were imposed in order to achieve a good correlation with the final structural refinement. Some optimized parameters within standard deviation from the ordered molecule were consequently applied to the disordered molecule in order to achieve the refined structure. Identical anisotropic displacement parameters were restrained for every atom of the disordered molecule. Separate anisotropic displacement parameters were applied while some bond lengths such as the azomethine were restrained in the disordered molecule as to achieve a good correlation factor. ; #END