Additions and corrections
First principles study of C3N4 carbon nitride nanotubes
Jose Gracia and Peter Kroll
J. Mater. Chem.,, 2009, 19 (DOI: 10.1039/b821569c). Amendment published 21st April 2009.
The authors wish to add the following Acknowledgements:
Supported for this project came from the DFG through SPP 1236 (KR1805/11-1) and a Heisenberg fellowship for P.K. (KR1805/9-1). Additional support came from UT Arlington. Computations were made at the CCC at RTWH Aachen, the FZ Jülich, the HPC at UT Arlington, and at the TACC at Austin.
Also, the authors wish to amend their address details as follows:
In address a the street (700 Planetarium Pl.) was omitted; in address b the street should be Landoltweg 1 instead of Professor-Pirlet-Strasse 1; address c is the current contact address of Dr Gracia but was not where the work was carried out; the email address of the second author was omitted:
The Royal Society of Chemistry apologises for these errors and any consequent inconvenience to authors and readers.
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