Additions and corrections
Target identification of small molecules based on chemical biology approaches
Yushi Futamura, Makoto Muroi and Hiroyuki Osada
Mol. BioSyst., 2013, (DOI: 10.1039/C2MB25468A). Amendment published 30th January 2013.
1. The sentence on page 6 of the article which reads, 'With this method, the authors identified HSP60 as a target protein of benzopyran derivatives.' should read 'With this method, the authors identified tubulin as a target protein of benzopyran derivatives.'
2. There are several corrections required in Table 1, row 3, regarding the innovative method 'FITGE'.
a. In the column titled 'Examples of drug target identification', 'HSP60 for benzopyran derivatives' should read 'Tubulin for benzopyran derivatives'.
b. In the column titled 'Direct Identification', 'Y/N' should read 'Y'.
c. In the 'Advantage' column, another advantage of FITGE that should be listed is 'Potential to identify protein-protein interaction'.
d. In the 'Disadvantage' column, the statement 'Difficult to identify low-abundance proteins' should be ignored.
The Royal Society of Chemistry apologises for these errors and any consequent inconvenience to authors and readers.
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