Table 1. Crystal data and structure refinement for mebz. Identification code mebz Empirical formula C10 H16 N8 O2 Formula weight 280.31 Temperature 176(2) K Wavelength 0.71073 Å Crystal system Monoclinic Space group Pn Unit cell dimensions a = 8.372(7) Å ?= 90°. b = 9.454(8) Å ?= 113.210(17)°. c = 9.387(8) Å ? = 90°. Volume 682.8(10) Å3 Z 2 Density (calculated) 1.363 Mg/m3 Absorption coefficient 0.102 mm-1 F(000) 296 Crystal size 0.65 x 0.20 x 0.12 mm3 Theta range for data collection 2.15 to 22.47°. Index ranges -5<=h<=9, -10<=k<=10, -9<=l<=10 Reflections collected 3751 Independent reflections 1231 [R(int) = 0.3197] Completeness to theta = 22.47° 100.0 % Max. and min. transmission 0.9879 and 0.9369 Refinement method Full-matrix least-squares on F2 Data / restraints / parameters 1231 / 2 / 192 Goodness-of-fit on F2 0.903 Final R indices [I>2sigma(I)] R1 = 0.0971, wR2 = 0.2176 R indices (all data) R1 = 0.1470, wR2 = 0.2434 Absolute structure parameter -10(7) Extinction coefficient 0.070(18) Largest diff. peak and hole 0.287 and -0.309 e.Å-3 Table 2. Atomic coordinates ( x 104) and equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2x 103) for mebz. U(eq) is defined as one third of the trace of the orthogonalized Uij tensor. ________________________________________________________________________________ x y z U(eq) ________________________________________________________________________________ N(1) 4352(15) 3947(12) 7943(10) 61(3) N(2) 5302(16) 4487(12) 9364(12) 76(4) N(3) 6242(19) 3491(14) 10314(12) 86(5) N(4) 5936(16) 2308(12) 9516(12) 79(4) C(5) 4775(17) 2607(12) 8092(12) 51(3) C(6) 4080(20) 1531(13) 6885(14) 64(4) C(7) 2920(20) 528(15) 7199(18) 77(5) O(8) 1590(15) 1323(8) 7453(10) 70(3) C(9) 410(20) 438(16) 7753(15) 77(5) C(10) -704(19) 1393(13) 8362(13) 64(4) C(11) 436(17) 1947(12) 9905(12) 52(4) N(12) 1290(20) 1136(11) 11125(15) 82(4) N(13) 2117(17) 2033(13) 12319(13) 75(4) N(14) 1778(14) 3354(12) 11881(11) 66(3) N(15) 725(15) 3276(13) 10349(10) 69(3) C(16) 40(20) 4592(17) 9430(20) 93(7) C(17) 900(50) 5290(50) 8860(30) 57(13) C(16') 40(20) 4592(17) 9430(20) 93(7) C(17') 1040(50) 5900(30) 10000(40) 103(13) O(18) 2737(17) 5830(11) 10284(13) 88(3) C(19) 3510(20) 6537(14) 9385(14) 67(5) C(20) 5280(20) 5957(13) 9758(15) 65(4) ________________________________________________________________________________ Table 3. Bond lengths [Å] and angles [°] for mebz. _____________________________________________________ N(1)-C(5) 1.307(14) N(1)-N(2) 1.356(14) N(2)-N(3) 1.322(15) N(2)-C(20) 1.440(15) N(3)-N(4) 1.314(14) N(4)-C(5) 1.337(14) C(5)-C(6) 1.463(15) C(6)-C(7) 1.467(19) C(7)-O(8) 1.438(18) O(8)-C(9) 1.404(16) C(9)-C(10) 1.56(2) C(10)-C(11) 1.481(16) C(11)-N(15) 1.317(14) C(11)-N(12) 1.329(16) N(12)-N(13) 1.357(17) N(13)-N(14) 1.311(14) N(14)-N(15) 1.360(11) N(15)-C(16) 1.494(19) C(16)-C(17) 1.24(4) C(17)-O(18) 1.67(4) C(17')-O(18) 1.34(3) O(18)-C(19) 1.415(16) C(19)-C(20) 1.49(2) C(5)-N(1)-N(2) 103.3(10) N(3)-N(2)-N(1) 111.0(11) N(3)-N(2)-C(20) 125.3(10) N(1)-N(2)-C(20) 123.7(11) N(4)-N(3)-N(2) 106.9(10) N(3)-N(4)-C(5) 106.9(10) N(1)-C(5)-N(4) 111.8(10) N(1)-C(5)-C(6) 125.6(10) N(4)-C(5)-C(6) 122.6(11) C(5)-C(6)-C(7) 112.8(12) O(8)-C(7)-C(6) 108.1(11) C(9)-O(8)-C(7) 111.9(10) O(8)-C(9)-C(10) 107.3(12) C(11)-C(10)-C(9) 108.3(12) N(15)-C(11)-N(12) 108.0(10) N(15)-C(11)-C(10) 127.9(11) N(12)-C(11)-C(10) 124.1(11) C(11)-N(12)-N(13) 106.1(9) N(14)-N(13)-N(12) 111.1(10) N(13)-N(14)-N(15) 104.5(10) C(11)-N(15)-N(14) 110.4(11) C(11)-N(15)-C(16) 129.1(10) N(14)-N(15)-C(16) 120.5(12) C(17)-C(16)-N(15) 122(3) C(16)-C(17)-O(18) 109(2) C(17')-O(18)-C(19) 123.7(17) C(17')-O(18)-C(17) 44.5(19) C(19)-O(18)-C(17) 99.1(17) O(18)-C(19)-C(20) 109.3(11) N(2)-C(20)-C(19) 114.1(12) _____________________________________________________________ Symmetry transformations used to generate equivalent atoms: Table 4. Anisotropic displacement parameters (Å2x 103) for mebz. The anisotropic displacement factor exponent takes the form: -2?2[ h2 a*2U11 + ... + 2 h k a* b* U12 ] ______________________________________________________________________________ U11 U22 U33 U23 U13 U12 ______________________________________________________________________________ N(1) 74(8) 71(8) 24(6) -6(5) 1(5) -10(6) N(2) 91(10) 72(9) 43(7) 7(6) 2(6) -13(8) N(3) 96(11) 81(10) 49(7) 8(7) -5(7) 0(8) N(4) 93(10) 65(8) 56(7) 1(6) 3(7) 10(7) C(5) 73(10) 40(7) 27(6) -3(6) 7(6) 3(7) C(6) 87(12) 52(8) 47(7) -6(7) 20(8) 3(8) C(7) 110(14) 48(9) 71(9) -18(8) 33(9) -5(10) O(8) 104(8) 52(5) 55(5) -5(4) 34(5) 3(7) C(9) 105(14) 64(9) 62(9) -10(8) 32(9) -18(10) C(10) 72(11) 64(9) 47(8) -5(6) 14(8) -9(8) C(11) 84(11) 29(7) 38(7) -3(6) 20(7) 0(7) N(12) 115(11) 63(7) 59(7) 4(7) 25(7) 3(8) N(13) 101(11) 73(8) 48(7) 15(7) 26(7) 19(7) N(14) 79(9) 62(7) 42(6) 0(6) 8(6) -3(6) N(15) 77(9) 83(10) 37(6) 15(6) 11(6) 8(7) C(16) 104(16) 58(12) 73(12) 25(8) -12(11) 8(10) C(17) 70(30) 80(30) 3(18) 2(18) -16(16) 10(20) C(16') 104(16) 58(12) 73(12) 25(8) -12(11) 8(10) C(17') 130(30) 66(19) 80(20) 16(17) 0(20) 30(20) O(18) 100(10) 75(8) 95(8) 14(6) 43(8) 8(8) C(19) 108(14) 50(8) 36(7) 3(7) 20(9) -10(9) C(20) 95(13) 48(8) 46(8) -9(7) 21(8) -26(9) ______________________________________________________________________________ Table 5. Hydrogen coordinates ( x 104) and isotropic displacement parameters (Å2x 10 3) for mebz. ________________________________________________________________________________ x y z U(eq) ________________________________________________________________________________ H(6A) 5054 1003 6793 77 H(6B) 3429 2003 5880 77 H(7A) 2386 -120 6308 92 H(7B) 3585 -45 8128 92 H(9A) 1045 -281 8540 93 H(9B) -344 -55 6793 93 H(10A) -1211 2187 7635 77 H(10B) -1666 836 8443 77 H(16A) -1058 4332 8562 112 H(16B) -270 5247 10102 112 H(17A) 224 6112 8292 69 H(17B) 1183 4692 8120 69 H(16C) -45 4422 8360 112 H(16D) -1152 4754 9368 112 H(17C) 515 6653 9225 123 H(17D) 922 6183 10966 123 H(19A) 3579 7563 9611 81 H(19B) 2783 6403 8268 81 H(20A) 5848 6516 9198 78 H(20B) 5973 6075 10882 78 ________________________________________________________________________________