# Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for RSC Advances # This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011 data_publication_text _journal_name_full Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys.(PCCP) _journal_coden_cambridge 1326 _publ_section_title ; Lithium - thallium (I) butyrates binary system: an intermediate salt and liquid crystal from non-mesogenic compounds ; _publ_contact_author_name "Rodr\'iguez Cheda, J. A." _publ_contact_author_address ; Departamento de Qu\'imica F\'isica I, Facultad de Ciencias Qu\'imicas, Universidad Complutense, 28040 Madrid, Spain ; _publ_contact_author_email cheda@quim.ucm.es _publ_contact_author_phone +34913944306 _publ_contact_author_fax +34913944135 loop_ _publ_author_name _publ_author_address 'F.J.Martinez Casado' ; BM16-Laboratori de Llum Sincrot\'o (LLS), c/o ESRF, 38043 Grenoble, France Laboratorio de Estudios Cristalogr\'aficos, IACT, CSIC-UGR, Edificio Inst. L\'opez Neyra, Avenida del Conocimiento s/n, P.T. Ciencias de la Salud, E-18100 Armilla, Granada, SPAIN ; 'M.Ramos Riesco' ; Departamento de Qu\'imica F\'isica I, Facultad de Ciencias Qu\'imicas, Universidad Complutense, 28040 Madrid, Spain ; 'I.da Silva' ; SpLine - Spanish CRG Beamline at the ESRF 6, Rue Jules Horowitz, BP 220 38043 Grenoble Cedex 09 France ; ; M.I.Redondo Yelamos ; ; Departamento de Qu\'imica F\'isica I, Facultad de Ciencias Qu\'imicas, Universidad Complutense, 28040 Madrid, Spain ; 'J.A.Rodriguez Cheda' ; Departamento de Qu\'imica F\'isica I, Facultad de Ciencias Qu\'imicas, Universidad Complutense, 28040 Madrid, Spain ; #============================================================================= data_LiTlC4 _database_code_depnum_ccdc_archive 'CCDC 819196' #TrackingRef 'LiTlC4_Para_CCDC.cif' #============================================================================= _chemical_name_systematic ; ? ; _chemical_formula_moiety 'C12 H21 O6 Li2 Tl' _chemical_formula_structural ? _chemical_formula_analytical ? _chemical_formula_iupac ? _chemical_formula_sum 'C12 H21 O6 Li2 Tl' _chemical_formula_weight 479.56 _chemical_melting_point ? _chemical_compound_source ? # for minerals and # natural products loop_ _atom_type_symbol _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_a1 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_b1 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_a2 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_b2 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_a3 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_b3 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_a4 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_b4 _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_c _atom_type_scat_dispersion_real _atom_type_scat_dispersion_imag _atom_type_scat_source c 2.31000 20.84390 1.02000 10.20750 1.58860 0.56870 0.86500 51.65120 0.21560 0.00200 0.00200 International_Tables_for_Crystallography_Vol.C(1991)_Tables_6.1.1.4_and_6.1.1.5 h 0.49300 10.51090 0.32291 26.12570 0.14019 3.14236 0.04081 57.79970 0.00304 0.00000 0.00000 International_Tables_for_Crystallography_Vol.C(1991)_Tables_6.1.1.4_and_6.1.1.5 li 1.12820 3.95460 0.75080 1.05240 0.61750 85.39050 0.46530 168.26100 0.03770 0.00000 0.00000 International_Tables_for_Crystallography_Vol.C(1991)_Tables_6.1.1.4_and_6.1.1.5 o 3.04850 13.27710 2.28680 5.70110 1.54630 0.32390 0.86700 32.90890 0.25080 0.00800 0.00600 International_Tables_for_Crystallography_Vol.C(1991)_Tables_6.1.1.4_and_6.1.1.5 tl 27.54460 0.65515 19.15840 8.70751 15.53800 1.96347 5.52593 45.81490 13.17460 -3.55600 9.65900 International_Tables_for_Crystallography_Vol.C(1991)_Tables_6.1.1.4_and_6.1.1.5 #============================================================================= # 6. POWDER SPECIMEN AND CRYSTAL DATA _symmetry_cell_setting Monoclinic _symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'P 21/c' _symmetry_space_group_name_Hall '-P 2ybc' loop_ _symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz #<--must include 'x,y,z' x,y,z -x,y+1/2,-z+1/2 -x,-y,-z x,-y+1/2,z+1/2 _cell_length_a 4.92534(11) _cell_length_b 12.0749(2) _cell_length_c 28.6547(5) _cell_angle_alpha 90.00000 _cell_angle_beta 91.237(2) _cell_angle_gamma 90.00000 _cell_volume 1703.78(6) _cell_formula_units_Z 4 _cell_measurement_temperature 298 _cell_special_details ; ? ; # The next three fields give the specimen dimensions in mm. The equatorial # plane contains the incident and diffracted beam. _pd_spec_size_axial ? # perpendicular to # equatorial plane _pd_spec_size_equat ? # parallel to # scattering vector # in transmission _pd_spec_size_thick ? # parallel to # scattering vector # in reflection # The next five fields are character fields that describe the specimen. _pd_spec_mounting 'borosilicate capillary' _pd_spec_mount_mode transmission _pd_spec_shape cylinder _pd_char_particle_morphology ? _pd_char_colour ? # use ICDD colour descriptions # The following three fields describe the preparation of the specimen. # The cooling rate is in K/min. The pressure at which the sample was # prepared is in kPa. The temperature of preparation is in K. _pd_prep_cool_rate ? _pd_prep_pressure ? _pd_prep_temperature ? # The next four fields are normally only needed for transmission experiments. _exptl_absorpt_coefficient_mu 7.125 _exptl_absorpt_correction_type cylinder _exptl_absorpt_process_details ? _exptl_absorpt_correction_T_min ? _exptl_absorpt_correction_T_max ? _exptl_crystal_density_diffrn 1.86944 #============================================================================= # 7. EXPERIMENTAL DATA _pd_instr_location ; SpLine - BM25, Spanish Beamline at the ESRF (Grenoble, France) ; _pd_calibration_special_details # description of the method used # to calibrate the instrument ; ? ; _diffrn_ambient_temperature 298 _diffrn_source Synchrotron _diffrn_radiation_wavelength 0.82660 _diffrn_radiation_monochromator Si(111) _diffrn_measurement_device_type ? _diffrn_measurement_method '2\q scan' _diffrn_detector_area_resol_mean ? # Not in version 2.0.1 _diffrn_detector 'scintillation counter' _diffrn_detector_type Cyberstar _pd_meas_scan_method step _pd_meas_special_details ; ? ; # The following four items give details of the measured (not processed) # powder pattern. Angles are in degrees. _pd_meas_number_of_points 1792 _pd_meas_2theta_range_min 2.00019 _pd_meas_2theta_range_max 28.85802 _pd_meas_2theta_range_inc 0.014996 #============================================================================= # 8. REFINEMENT DATA # Definition of non standard CIF items (Reliability indices used in FULLPROF) loop_ _publ_manuscript_incl_extra_item _publ_manuscript_incl_extra_info _publ_manuscript_incl_extra_defn # Name Explanation Standard? # ------ ----------- --------- '_pd_proc_ls_prof_cR_factor' 'Prof. R-factor CORRECTED for background' no '_pd_proc_ls_prof_cwR_factor' 'wProf.R-factor CORRECTED for background' no '_pd_proc_ls_prof_cwR_expected' 'wProf.Expected CORRECTED for background' no '_pd_proc_ls_prof_chi2' 'Chi-square for all considered points' no '_pd_proc_ls_prof_echi2' 'Chi-2 for points with Bragg contribution' no _refine_special_details ; ? ; # Use the next field to give any special details about the fitting of the # powder pattern. _pd_proc_ls_special_details ; ? ; # The next three items are given as text. _pd_proc_ls_profile_function Pseudo-Voigt _pd_proc_ls_background_function 'Interpolation of points' _pd_proc_ls_pref_orient_corr ; ? ; # The following profile R-factors are NOT CORRECTED for background # The sum is extended to all non-excluded points. # These are the current CIF standard _pd_proc_ls_prof_R_factor 2.2316 _pd_proc_ls_prof_wR_factor 2.8574 _pd_proc_ls_prof_wR_expected 1.0133 # The following profile R-factors are CORRECTED for background # The sum is extended to all non-excluded points. # These items are not in the current CIF standard, but are defined above _pd_proc_ls_prof_cR_factor 13.6730 _pd_proc_ls_prof_cwR_factor 10.8645 _pd_proc_ls_prof_cwR_expected 3.8527 # The following items are not in the CIF standard, but are defined above _pd_proc_ls_prof_chi2 7.9523 _pd_proc_ls_prof_echi2 7.9920 # Items related to LS refinement _refine_ls_goodness_of_fit_all 2.82 _refine_ls_R_I_factor 3.6230 _refine_ls_number_reflns 455 _refine_ls_number_parameters 79 _refine_ls_number_restraints 38 # The following four items apply to angular dispersive measurements. # 2theta minimum, maximum and increment (in degrees) are for the # intensities used in the refinement. _pd_proc_2theta_range_min 1.9745 _pd_proc_2theta_range_max 28.8323 _pd_proc_2theta_range_inc 0.014996 _pd_proc_wavelength 0.825700 _pd_block_diffractogram_id LiTlC4_profile # Give appropriate details in the next two text fields. _pd_proc_info_excluded_regions ? _pd_proc_info_data_reduction ? # The following items are used to identify the programs used. _computing_data_collection ? _computing_structure_solution FOX _computing_structure_refinement FULLPROF _computing_molecular_graphics ? _computing_publication_material ? #============================================================================= # 9. ATOMIC COORDINATES AND DISPLACEMENT PARAMETERS loop_ _atom_site_label _atom_site_fract_x _atom_site_fract_y _atom_site_fract_z _atom_site_U_iso_or_equiv _atom_site_occupancy _atom_site_adp_type # Not in version 2.0.1 _atom_site_type_symbol C1 0.298(8) 0.223(10) 0.8205(14) 0.098(8) 1.00000 Uiso C C2 0.463(10) 0.233(6) 0.8673(13) 0.098(8) 1.00000 Uiso C H2a 0.595(10) 0.304(6) 0.8640(13) 0.098(8) 1.00000 Uiso H H2b 0.585(10) 0.159(6) 0.8724(13) 0.098(8) 1.00000 Uiso H C3 0.293(10) 0.252(7) 0.9092(13) 0.098(8) 1.00000 Uiso C H3a 0.158(10) 0.181(7) 0.9124(13) 0.098(8) 1.00000 Uiso H H3b 0.174(10) 0.326(7) 0.9046(13) 0.098(8) 1.00000 Uiso H C4 0.454(12) 0.257(6) 0.9527(17) 0.098(8) 1.00000 Uiso C H4a 0.589(12) 0.328(6) 0.9502(17) 0.098(8) 1.00000 Uiso H H4b 0.321(12) 0.269(6) 0.9819(17) 0.098(8) 1.00000 Uiso H H4c 0.573(12) 0.183(6) 0.9579(17) 0.098(8) 1.00000 Uiso H C5 0.213(13) 0.391(4) 0.6645(19) 0.098(8) 1.00000 Uiso C C6 0.046(5) 0.419(3) 0.6213(7) 0.098(8) 1.00000 Uiso C H6a -0.061(5) 0.496(3) 0.6264(7) 0.098(8) 1.00000 Uiso H H6b -0.098(5) 0.354(3) 0.6122(7) 0.098(8) 1.00000 Uiso H C7 0.245(5) 0.427(3) 0.5844(7) 0.098(8) 1.00000 Uiso C H7a 0.331(5) 0.347(3) 0.5777(7) 0.098(8) 1.00000 Uiso H H7b 0.403(5) 0.483(3) 0.5971(7) 0.098(8) 1.00000 Uiso H C8 0.129(5) 0.474(3) 0.5392(7) 0.098(8) 1.00000 Uiso C H8a 0.290(5) 0.480(3) 0.5142(7) 0.098(8) 1.00000 Uiso H H8b 0.043(5) 0.555(3) 0.5451(7) 0.098(8) 1.00000 Uiso H H8c -0.028(5) 0.419(3) 0.5256(7) 0.098(8) 1.00000 Uiso H C9 0.786(8) 0.084(11) 0.6869(14) 0.098(8) 1.00000 Uiso C C10 0.897(10) 0.090(9) 0.6402(12) 0.098(8) 1.00000 Uiso C H10a 0.980(10) 0.173(9) 0.6368(12) 0.098(8) 1.00000 Uiso H H10b 1.060(10) 0.030(9) 0.6382(12) 0.098(8) 1.00000 Uiso H C11 0.713(10) 0.070(8) 0.5992(13) 0.098(8) 1.00000 Uiso C H11a 0.655(10) -0.017(8) 0.5976(13) 0.098(8) 1.00000 Uiso H H11b 0.532(10) 0.120(8) 0.6023(13) 0.098(8) 1.00000 Uiso H C12 0.860(12) 0.102(7) 0.5547(16) 0.098(8) 1.00000 Uiso C H12a 0.918(12) 0.189(7) 0.5564(16) 0.098(8) 1.00000 Uiso H H12b 1.041(12) 0.052(7) 0.5517(16) 0.098(8) 1.00000 Uiso H H12c 0.728(12) 0.089(7) 0.5246(16) 0.098(8) 1.00000 Uiso H Li_1 0.285(9) 0.195(4) 0.7146(14) 0.07(6) 1.00000 Uiso Li Li_2 0.227(9) 0.622(3) 0.7115(16) 0.07(6) 1.00000 Uiso Li O1 0.418(8) 0.216(4) 0.7810(12) 0.098(8) 1.00000 Uiso O O2 0.037(8) 0.230(5) 0.8220(19) 0.098(8) 1.00000 Uiso O O3 0.330(12) 0.304(3) 0.6619(18) 0.098(8) 1.00000 Uiso O O4 0.317(11) 0.464(3) 0.6897(18) 0.098(8) 1.00000 Uiso O O5 0.546(7) 0.076(5) 0.6897(20) 0.098(8) 1.00000 Uiso O O6 0.928(8) 0.113(5) 0.7225(12) 0.098(8) 1.00000 Uiso O Tl 0.2749(16) 0.9031(4) 0.7454(3) 0.1025(15) 1.00000 Uiso Tl # Note: if the displacement parameters were refined anisotropically # the U matrices should be given as for single-crystal studies. #=============================================================================# # MOLECULAR GEOMETRY # #=============================================================================# loop_ _geom_bond_atom_site_label_1 _geom_bond_atom_site_label_2 _geom_bond_distance _geom_bond_site_symmetry_2 _geom_bond_publ_flag C1 C2 1.56(6) . ? C1 O1 1.29(5) . ? C1 O2 1.29(6) . ? C2 C1 1.56(6) . ? C2 H2a 1.08(9) . ? C2 H2b 1.08(9) . ? C2 C3 1.50(6) . ? C3 C2 1.50(6) . ? C3 H3a 1.09(10) . ? C3 H3b 1.08(11) . ? C3 C4 1.46(7) . ? C4 C3 1.46(7) . ? C4 H4a 1.09(10) . ? C4 H4b 1.08(8) . ? C4 H4c 1.08(10) . ? C5 C6 1.51(6) . ? C5 O4 1.24(7) . ? C6 H6a 1.08(5) . ? C6 H6b 1.09(4) . ? C6 C7 1.46(3) . ? C7 H7a 1.07(5) . ? C7 H7b 1.09(4) . ? C7 C8 1.51(3) . ? C8 H8a 1.08(3) . ? C8 H8b 1.08(5) . ? C8 H8c 1.09(4) . ? C9 C10 1.46(6) . ? C9 O5 1.19(5) . ? C9 O6 1.27(7) . ? C10 C9 1.46(6) . ? C10 H10a 1.09(14) . ? C10 H10b 1.08(12) . ? C10 C11 1.49(6) . ? C11 H11a 1.09(13) . ? C11 H11b 1.08(10) . ? C11 C12 1.53(7) . ? C12 H12a 1.09(12) . ? C12 H12b 1.08(10) . ? C12 H12c 1.08(7) . ? Li_1 O1 2.01(5) . ? Li_1 O3 2.02(6) . ? Li_1 O5 2.07(7) . ? Li_1 O6 2.03(6) 1_455 ? Li_2 O1 2.09(6) 2_656 ? Li_2 O2 2.06(7) 2_556 ? Li_2 O4 2.06(5) . ? Li_2 O6 2.06(6) 2_656 ? O1 C1 1.29(5) . ? O2 C1 1.29(6) . ? O3 C5 1.20(7) . ? O4 C5 1.24(7) . ? O5 C9 1.19(5) . ? O6 C9 1.27(7) . ?