Additions and corrections

Effects of dielectric mismatch and chain flexibility on the translocation barriers of charged macromolecules through solid state nanopores

Stefan Kesselheim, Marcello Sega and Christian Holm

Soft Matter, 2012, 8, 9480–9486 (DOI: 10.1039/C2SM25615K). Amendment published 12th December 2012.

Due to a problem in the implementation of the ICC* algorithm the free energy barriers reported in Fig. 7 for the ssDNA model in presence of a dielectric mismatch are too high by approx. 25%. The qualitative behavior is unchanged, and the interpretation of the data is not affected. The other data in Fig. 7 for the ds- and ssDNA in the absence of a dielectric mismatch are correct. The correct version of Fig. 7 appears below:

In addition, due to a mistake of the publisher, Fig. 6 did not display the intended content. The correct version of Fig. 6 appears below:

Furthermore, the authors would like to add a missing reference to the Ph.D. thesis of M. Suzen, where the dsDNA model in a salt-free pore was first discussed, as follows:

M. Suezen, PhD thesis, J. W. Goethe University of Frankfurt am Main, 2009.

N.B. This addition and correction replaces the one that appears in Soft Matter, 2012, 48, 12144.

The Royal Society of Chemistry apologises for these errors and any consequent inconvenience to authors and readers.

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