Contextualising the topic
Chemical tornadoes
The tornado effect can be used to demonstrate several chemical concepts to 14–16-year-olds, including the effect of changing concentration on the position of an equilibrium. One example is the effect of altering the hydrogen ion concentration on the acid–base indicator phenol red.
Henri Louis Le Chatelier
The work and life of Henri Le Chatelier is described in this Wikipedia community web page. The brief biography shows that although he had a particular interest in industrial chemistry he chose to be a teacher.
The other carbon dioxide problem
In this article Nina Notman discusses the consequences of increased carbon dioxide production by human activity on the equilibrium between gases in the atmosphere and gases dissolved in oceans and its impact on carbonate chemistry in oceans.
Iron ocean seeding
The American oceanographer, John Martin, suggested that fertilising the ocean with iron could result in a large growth of phytoplankton. This could mean that carbon dioxide is absorbed and locked away. The whole process depends on the effect of changing concentrations on key marine equilibria. However, some people have concerns about the side effects of these changes.