A possible teaching sequence to introduce bonding
Possible MM - A possible teaching sequence could be done as a drage and drop
May also include a progression of key ideas up to the point that we introduce bonding, which would be a drag and drop
Compare the usual approach with the suggested one - page 103 Teaching secondary chemistry, ASE book + PPT slides from Structure and bonding face to face course
Using evidence from educational research
The is further support in this paper refereced below for teaching sequence and progression of key ideas.
Representations of chemical bonding models in school textbooks – help or hindrance for understanding?
But not all are agreed about teaching sequences in the world of chemistry education research
http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2014/rp/c4rp00059e#!divAbstract - put forward the arguments from this article.
A discussion about the key agreemenrts and disagreements could be presented as a character conversation,.