12th International Conference on Materials Chemistry (MC12)

20 - 23 July 2015, York, United Kingdom

The Materials Chemistry (MC) Conferences represent the flagship event of the RSC's Materials Chemistry Division and in 2015, MC12 will be held in the beautiful and historic city of York from lunchtime on Monday 20th July to lunchtime on Thursday 23rd July. The Scientific Committee, the Royal Society of Chemistry and the University of York extend a warm invitation to attend and take part.

The meeting is organised into six themes run in four parallel sessions, with two poster sessions to allow maximum participation of all delegates. Six Plenary Lecturers will talks across the scope of the conference, while 24 Keynote Speakers will set the scene for different aspects of the six topics, supported by more than 100 contributed talks. Around 300 posters will be displayed over the two sessions.


The 'MC' conference series has provided a showcase for materials chemistry since the very first meeting, which was held in Aberdeen in the summer of 1993. Recent meetings in the MC series have been very successful. Thus, the RSC was proud to incorporate MC9 into the scientific programme of the 42nd IUPAC World Congress (IUPAC 2009) which reached an audience of over 2000 delegates, while MC10 saw nearly 500 scientists present their work in Manchester in July 2011 and another audience of 500 attended the last meeting, MC11, in Warwick in 2013.

The Materials Chemistry (MC) Conferences represent the flagship event of the RSC's Materials Chemistry Division and in 2015, MC12 will be held in the beautiful and historic city of York from lunchtime on Monday 20th July to lunchtime on Thursday 23rd July. The Scientific Committee, the Royal Society of Chemistry and the University of York extend a warm invitation to attend and take part.

The meeting is organised into six themes run in four parallel sessions, with two poster sessions to allow maximum participation of all delegates. Six Plenary Lecturers will talks across the scope of the conference, while 24 Keynote Speakers will set the scene for different aspects of the six topics, supported by more than 100 contributed talks. Around 300 posters will be displayed over the two sessions.


The themes represent the major scientific headings for the meeting and reflect the key position of these topics in contemporary materials chemistry. However, in assembling the programme we are also keen to see subjects such as theory and modelling, ionic liquids, multifunctional materials, novel synthesis, innovative characterisation techniques and liquid crystals represented across the different subjects.

Biomaterials Chemistry

Encompassing biomaterials for tissue engineering, biomaterials for healthcare, green biomaterials and advanced synthesis methods of biomaterials

Electronic and Magnetic Materials

This will encompass the relationship between the chemistry and the electronic and/or magnetic properties of inorganic, molecular, hybrid and nano materials using both experimental and computational/theoretical approaches.

Energy Materials

Encompassing all aspects of Materials Chemistry related to energy conversion, storage and fuel generation.

Nanomaterials Chemistry

Encompassing synthesis, characterisation and application of materials whose functionality depends on their nanoscale dimensions.

Porous Materials

This will encompass the chemistry and properties of porous materials for sorption, storage and separation.

Soft Matter Materials Chemistry

Including wide and varied aspects of soft matter materials showing the power of the interplay between a priori design and physical function.
Sponsorship & supporting organisations
We would like to thank the following companies for sponsoring this event:
  • American Elements
  • PANalytical
  • CrystalMaker Software
  • International centre for Diffractio Data
  • Insplorion
  • Edinburgh Instruments
  • IUCr Journals
The following companies exhibited at this conference:
  • Horiba Scientific
  • Hiden Isochema
  • Milestone
  • Quantachrome
  • micromeritics
  • PicoQuant
  • fluorochem
  • TCI
  • Surface Measurement Systems

University of York

University of York, Heslington, York, YO10 5DD, United Kingdom

Contact information
Events Team
Royal Society of Chemistry
Thomas Graham House,
Science Park,
Milton Road,
+44 (0) 1223 434048
Contact us by email

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