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Bristol ChemLabS Talk & Lecture Demonstration

16 June 2015, Bristol, United Kingdom

This is an exciting opportunity to hear about current research in chemistry from a postgraduate student working at Bristol University. You will also be treated to the spectacular lecture demonstration 'A Pollutant's Tale' by Tim Harrison, the Director of Outreach.

Start Time - 13:30
End Time - 15:45

This event is suitable for students in Years 10-13
ChemNet members/non-members/teachers

To register Please Email Dr Beth Anderson
Quoting your RSC ChemNet membership number.
You can join RSC ChemNet for free at

Please note that registration will close 7 days before the event.

ChemNet/Jointly organised with Bristol ChemLabS
University of Bristol

Bristol ChemLabS, University of Bristol, School of Chemistry, Cantock's Close, Bristol, BS8 1TS, United Kingdom

Contact information
Dr Beth Anderson
Royal Society of Chemistry
0117 331 7194
Contact us by email

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