6th European Short Course on Principles and Applications of Time-resolved Fluorescence

27 - 31 October 2008, Berlin, Germany

The course is intended for individuals wishing an in-depth introduction to the principles
of fluorescence spectroscopy and its applications to the Life Sciences. The course is held
in cooperation with Dr. J.R. Lakowicz from the Center of Fluorescence Spectroscopy
(CFS) in Baltimore.
The course consits of lectures in the morning as well as instrumentation and software
hands-on training. The course is taught by Joseph R. Lakowicz as well as Rainer Erdmann
and the staff of PicoQuant, together with guest lectures who have extensive experience in
time-resolved fluorescence and its applications to the Life Sciences.
This years guest lecturers are: Manfred Auer, Jörg Enderlein, Paul French and Johan
Hofkens. Hands-on experimentation will be offered by Olympus, PTI, Varian and
PicoQuant GmbH

PicoQuant GmbH, Rudower Chaussee 29, Berlin, 12489, Germany

Organised by
PicoQuant GmbH
Contact information
Jana Gruenig
Rudower Chaussee 29, Berlin, 12489, Germany
0049 30 6392 6560
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