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IUPAC International Conference "Polymers and Organic Chemistry" POC-16

13 June 2016 09:00 - 16 June 2016 17:00, Hersonissos (near Heraklion), Crete, Greece

I am pleased to announce the IUPAC-sponsored International Conference “Polymers and Organic Chemistry, POC-16”. POC-16 is part of the continuing historic series of IUPAC POC conferences and will take place at the 5* Creta Maris Beach Resort in Hersonissos (near Heraklion), in the island of Crete, Greece, from Monday 13 June until Thursday 16 June 2016.
The official Conference web page can be found at Abstract submission is now open. We are in the process of adding more functionality to it, so please check it regularly for important updates.

Details on the Conference Hotel, the 5-star Creta Maris Beach Resort, can be found at
As the Conference Chairman, please allow me to provide you with some first pieces of information:

The Scientific Program is anticipated to be rich with several oral and poster presentations. Some tentative thematic areas are given below:
  • Advances in polymer synthesis
  • Polymers for separations and environmental protection
  • Polymers in medicine, biochemistry and agriculture
  • Novel functional polymers
  • Polymers for catalysis and energy applications
  • Biocatalysis in polymers synthesis
  • Biopolymers and Derivatives, and their applications
  • Functional Coordination Polymers, synthesis and applications
  • Polymers in Cultural Heritage 

The Conference Dinner has been scheduled for the evening of Wednesday 15 June 2015 and will include an “all-you-can-eat buffet” at the atmospheric “Cochlias” restaurant with exceptional view towards the Cretan Sea (within the hotel premises, see, on the sandy beach. The cost for the Conference Dinner is included in the registration fee for conference delegates.

A special thematic issue with selected conference papers (after regular peer-review) will be published in the IUPAC journal “Pure and Applied Chemistry”, after completion of the Conference. You will receive details in due time.

Heraklion is famous for the UNESCO Heritage site Knossos Palace, the recently-renovated Archaeological Museum, its Venetian Fortress, and the numerous picturesque fishing villages.
June weather in Crete is delightful, the beaches are inviting, so you may want to think about combining the Conference with family or personal vacation.

Special, attractive room rates have been assigned for Conference delegates who wish to stay at the Conference Hotel, “Creta Maris Beach Resort”. The policy of the hotel is “all-inclusive”, so all meals (and much more) are included in the room price. You will receive further information on this on the Conference web site.

Feel free to disseminate this information to anyone who might be interested. 
Looking forward to welcoming all of you in Crete in June 2016!
Kostas Demadis
Chairman of POC-16
  • Prof. Spiros Anastasiadis Department of Chemistry, University of Crete, and IESL-FORTH, Greece
  • Prof. Steven P. Armes University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
  • Prof. Corneliu Davidescu Politehnica University, Romania
  • Prof. Theoni Georgiou Imperial College, United Kingdom
  • Prof. Nikos Hadjichristidis King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia
  • Dr. Gheorghe Ilia Romanian Academy Timisoara, Romania
  • Prof. Christine Jerome University of Liege, Belgium
  • Prof. Costas Patrickios University of Cyprus, Cyprus
  • Prof. Joanna Pietrasik Lodz University of Technology, Poland
  • Prof. Judit Puskas University of Akron, United States
  • Prof. Maria Vamvakaki University of Crete, Greece

Sponsorship & supporting organisations
University of Crete
IUPAC International Conference "Polymers and Organic Chemistry" POC-16

IUPAC International Conference "Polymers and Organic Chemistry" POC-16, Creta Maris Beach Resort, Hersonissos (near Heraklion), Crete, GR-70014, Greece

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