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ICPOC: 21st IUPAC International Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry

13 September 2012, Durham, United Kingdom

The 21st IUPAC International Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry (ICPOC 21) was organised by the RSC Physical Organic Chemistry Group. ICPOC is the leading international conference on Physical Organic Chemistry and Chemical Reactivity. The conference consisted of plenary, invited and contributed lectures, as well as poster sessions.

ICPOC-21 brought together the organic chemistry, catalysis and physical chemistry communities from academia and industry to discuss the current state of the art, the development and future of physical organic chemistry.

Although traditionally considered as the study of mechanism, reactivity, structure and binding in organic systems,  especially leading to the quantitative, molecular level  understanding of their properties, physical organic chemistry nowadays also encompasses a wider range of contexts (such as biology and materials) than ever before.


Physical Underpinnings 
- dynamics in solution 
- scope and limitations of transition state theory
- advances in reaction monitoring
- new approaches to aromaticity
Mechanisms and Catalysis
- homogenous - including organo- and organometallic
- heterogenous - including nanoparticles
- mechanistic enzymology
Supramolecular / Systems / Non-covalent interactions 
- non-covalent interactions 
- molecular self-assembly
- gel-forming materials             

Scientific Committee

Professor Ian Williams, University of Bath, UK (Chair)
Dr Craig Butts, Bristol University, UK
Dr Niklaas Buurma, Cardiff University, UK
Dr Anna Croft, Bangor University, UK
Dr David Hodgson, Durham University, UK
Professor Patrick Fowler, University of Sheffield, UK
Professor Guy Lloyd-Jones, Bristol University, UK
Dr Ann-Marie O'Donoghue, Durham University, UK
Professor Sijbren Otto, University of Groningen, The Netherlands

Scientific Advisory Board

Professor François Diederich, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Professor Jan Engberts, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Professor Eduardo Humeres, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, Brazil
Professor Tony Kirby, University of Cambridge, UK
Professor Herbert Mayr, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, Germany
Professor Masaaki Mishima, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan
Professor Rory More O'Ferrall, University College Dublin, Ireland
Professor Leo Radom, University of Sydney, Australia
Professor John Richard, University of Buffalo, USA
Professor Einar Uggerud, University of Oslo, Norway

We note with sadness and regret that Professor Rory More O'Ferrall died on 15th June 2012.

Confirmed Plenary Speakers:

Professor Donna Blackmond, Scripps Research Institute, USA
Professor Barry Carpenter, Cardiff, UK
Professor Ben Feringa, Groningen, The Netherlands
Professor Robert Grubbs, Caltech, USA
Professor Bert Meijer, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Professor Jeremy Sanders, University of Cambridge, UK
Professor JoAnne Stubbe, MIT, USA
Professor John Sutherland, MRC-LMB Cambridge, UK
Professor Don Truhlar, Minnesota, USA

Confirmed Keynote Speakers:

Professor Peter Chen, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Professor Michelle Coote, Australian National University, Australia
Dr Jason Harper, University of New South Wales, Australia
Professor Rainer Herges, Universitat zu Kiel, Germany
Dr Izumi Iwakura, Hiroshima University, Japan
Professor Chris Hunter, University of Sheffield, UK
Professor Hiromitsu Maeda, Ritsumeikan University, Japan
Professor Eiichi Nakamura, University of Tokyo, Japan
Dr Brian Ohta, Villanova University, USA
Professor Atsuhiro Osuka, Kyoto University, Japan
Professor Dan Singleton, Texas A & M University, USA
Professor Martin Tanner, University of British Columbia, Canada
Professor Dean Tantillo, University of California, Davis, USA
Professor Inaki Tunon, Universidad de Valencia, Spain


Sponsorship & supporting organisations
Sponsors and Exhibitors included:
  • Syngenta
  • Oxford University Press
  • American Elements
  • TCI
Durham University

Calman Learning Centre, Durham University, 2 Stockton Road, Durham, DH1 3LE, United Kingdom

Contact information
Events Team
Royal Society of Chemistry
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