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RSC South West-Regional Meeting 2018, University of Bristol

17 January 2018 09:30-18:00, Brsitol, United Kingdom

The meeting will welcome speakers from universities across the South West. We are also pleased to host Dr Andy Lawrence from the University of Edinburgh, recipient of the 2017 RSC Hickinbottom award, as our guest speaker.

Registration is now open, with the £8 fee including lunch, tea and coffee, and a wine reception. The deadline for registration is 6th January, although registration by 15th December would be much appreciated to help with organisation prior to the Christmas break. The day will include a poster session, with entries particularly encouraged from postgraduates and PDRAs.
University of Bristol

Lecture Theatre 2, University of Bristol, School of Chemistry, Cantock's Close, Brsitol, BS8 1TS, United Kingdom

Contact information
Dr Jon Knowles
University of Bristol
School of Chemistry
Cantock's Close
Contact us by email

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