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Chemical Science Functional Organic Materials Symposium

24 September 2019 09:00 - 25 September 2019 17:00, London, United Kingdom

This meeting is the first in a new series of symposia at the home of the Royal Society of Chemistry. Under the banner of our flagship open access journal, Chemical Science, we’ll be shining a spotlight on cutting-edge chemistry research and giving it the sort of attention that drives scientific progress and makes a difference. 

We warmly invite you to join us for the first in this series of Chemical Science symposia, and look forward to welcoming you to the headquarters of the Royal Society of Chemistry.

About the symposium

Leading materials science researchers and emerging investigators from a broad range of backgrounds will come together to explore and celebrate the theme of the 2019 symposium: functional organic materials. The scientific programme of talks will also be complemented by flash talks and poster sessions to provide further networking opportunities and discussion for all attendees.

The topics covered during the symposium will include:
  • chiral materials
  • porous materials and covalent organic frameworks
  • nanomaterials
  • supramolecular and polymer chemistry
  • biomaterials and bioinspired materials
Applications include materials for (bio)sensing, electro- and photo-catalysis, electronic devices, energy conversion, harvesting and storage, optoelectronics, nanomedicine and biological applications.

Caring responsibilities

The Royal Society of Chemistry is keen to encourage and enable as many people as possible to attend our events, to benefit from the networking opportunities and the chance to hear talks from leaders in the field. If you have childcare, caring responsibilities or other care needs, and would like to attend this event, please do get in touch with us to see if there’s anything we can do to help enable you to attend.

Grants for carers

Grants for carers have been introduced following the Royal Society of Chemistry Breaking the barriers report where 78% of chemists working in UK academia felt that managing parenting and/or caring responsibilities has an impact on women’s retention and progression. This fund is not limited to women scientists and welcomes applications from anyone with caring responsibilities, for more information please refer to the ‘bursaries’ section on this page.
Andrew Cooper, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom

Andy is a Nottingham graduate (1991), also obtaining his Ph.D there in 1994. After his Ph.D, he held a 1851 Fellowship and a Royal Society NATO Fellowship at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA, and then a Ramsay Memorial Research Fellowship at the University of Cambridge. In 1999, he was appointed as a Royal Society University Research Fellowship in Liverpool.  In 2007, he was the founding Director of the Centre for Materials Discovery—the forerunner of the MIF—which cemented a long-term strategic collaboration between Unilever and the University of Liverpool. He was Head of Chemistry and then the first Head of the School of Physical Sciences in the period 2007-2012, during which time he served on the University Council.  In 2017, he co-founded a spin-out company, Porous Liquid Technologies, with collaborators at Queens University Belfast, based on an entirely new class of material, porous liquids, invented in the UK as part of an EPSRC-funded project (Nature, 2015, 527, 216).

Andy led the bid to establish the Materials Innovation Factory (MIF) via the UK Research Partnerships Infrastructure Fund and he is its first Academic Director. He is also the Director of the £10 M Leverhulme Centre for Functional Materials Design. His main research interests are organic materials, supramolecular chemistry, and materials for energy production and molecular separation. This is underpinned by a strong technical interest in high-throughput methods and robotics.  A unifying theme in his research is the close fusion of computational prediction and experiment to discover new materials with step-change properties (Nature, 2011, 474, 367; Nature, 2017, 543, 657). This has involved close collaboration with Graeme Day, Professor of Chemical Modelling at the University of Southampton.

Andy was elected to the Royal Society in 2015.  He has been awarded the Macro Group Young Researchers Award (2002), the RSC Award in Environmentally Friendly Polymers (2005), the McBain Medal (2007), the Corday-Morgan Prize (2009), the Macro Group Award (2010), a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award, the Tilden Prize (2014), and the American Chemical Society Doolittle Award (2014).  He was also the 2015 MIT-Georgia Pacific Lecturer in Organic Chemistry. In both 2011 and 2014, Andy was named in a Thomson Reuters list as one of the Top 100 materials scientists of the last decade. He was also named in the more recent 2017 Clarivate Highly Cited list in the field of chemistry. He was awarded an ERC Advanced Investigators grant in 2012 (RobOT). In 2015, he was appointed as a Consultant Professor in Hauzhong University of Science & Technology, China. He was also appointed as an Honorary Professor at East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, in 2017. 

Cathleen Crudden, Queen's University, Canada

Cathleen Crudden holds a Distinguished Research Professorship at Queen’s University and is Canada Research Chair (Tier 1). She runs a satellite lab at the Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules (ITbM) in Nagoya Japan. Cathleen has won numerous research awards including the 2019 Cope Scholar award of the American Chemical Society, the 2018 Carol Taylor award from the International Precious Metals Institute among others. Cathleen has held visiting professorships in Japan, Spain and France.  

She is Associate Editor for ACS Catalysis and sits on the advisory boards for RIKEN (Japan). She served as President of the Canadian Society for Chemistry in 2012/2013 and is currently chair of the NSERC–Chemistry Liaison Panel. 

Trained as an organometallic/catalysis chemist, Cathleen has made significant inroads in materials chemistry. Her recent work identifying a new class of carbon-based SAMs has been called "game changing" and "the new gold standard" by international experts.

Xinliang Feng, TU Dresden, Germany

Prof. Feng is a full professor and the head of the Chair of Molecular Functional Materials at Technische Universität Dresden. He has published more than 450 research articles which have attracted more than 48000 citations with H-index of 105 (Google Scholar). He has been awarded several prestigious prizes such as IUPAC Prize for Young Chemists (2009), European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant Award (2012), Journal of Materials Chemistry Lectureship Award (2013), ChemComm Emerging Investigator Lectureship (2014), Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC, 2014), Highly Cited Researcher (Thomson Reuters, 2014-2018), Small Young Innovator Award (2017), Hamburg Science Award (2017), EU-40 Materials Prize (2018), ERC Consolidator Grant Award (2018), and member of the European Academy of Sciences (2019). He is an Advisory Board Member for Advanced Materials, Chemical Science, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, ChemNanoMat, Energy Storage Materials, Small Methods, Chemistry -An Asian Journal, Trends in Chemistry, etc. He is the Head of ESF Young Research Group "Graphene Center Dresden", and Working Package Leader of WP Functional Foams & Coatings for European Commission’s pilot project “Graphene Flagship”.

Matt Fuchter , Imperial College London, United Kingdom

Matthew Fuchter is a Professor of Chemistry, an ESPRC Established Career Fellow, and co-Director of a newly established Centre for Drug Discovery Science at Imperial College London. He is a member of multiple multidisciplinary centres of excellence at Imperial including the Centre for Plastic Electronics and the London Centre for Nanotechnology. His research concerns the development of chemistry-led approaches to interrogate function in chemistry, materials and medicine. In the areas of materials chemistry, a key focus is the study of chiral molecules, materials and devices. 

Shuhei Furukawa, Kyoto University, Japan

Shuhei Furukawa received his PhD degree in 2005 from Kyoto University. After a postdoctoral research at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL), he returned to Kyoto University in 2007 as an assistant professor. In 2008, he moved to the JST ERATO Kitagawa Integrated Pores Project as a group leader and since 2010 he has been an associate professor in the Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (WPI-iCeMS), Kyoto University. His main research interest is in coordination chemistry and particularly synthesis and property of coordination materials at the multiple-length scales and their applications in biology and environment and energy related issues.

Nicolas Giusepponne, University of Strasbourg, France

Nicolas Giuseppone is Distinguished Professor of Chemistry at the University of Strasbourg. He received his PhD in asymmetric catalysis (laboratory of Prof. H.B. Kagan), performed a post-doctoral research in total synthesis (laboratory of Prof. K.C. Nicolaou), and entered the field of supramolecular chemistry as a CNRS research associate (laboratory of Prof. J.-M. Lehn). In 2008 he started his research group and was awarded the ERC Starting Grant in 2010. In 2013, he became Full Professor of chemistry at the University of Strasbourg and a junior member of the Institut Universitaire the France (IUF). His research interests are focused on supramolecular chemistry, molecular machines, and functional materials.

Ivan Huc, Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich, Germany

Ivan Huc studied chemistry at the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS, Paris), and received his PhD in 1994 from the University of Paris VI for work done both at ENS and MIT (USA). From 1995, he worked at the University of Strasbourg as a Post-doc, then as a CNRS researcher. In 1998, he moved to the European Institute of Chemistry and Biology at the University of Bordeaux as a CNRS research director. Since 2017, he has been a Professor of Chemical Biology at the Department of Pharmacy of the University of Munich (LMU, Germany). His research focuses on foldamers and biomimetic supramolecular chemistry.

Kim Jelfs, Imperial College London, United Kingdom

Kim Jelfs is a Senior Lecturer and Royal Society University Research Fellow and specialises in the use of computer simulations to assist in the discovery of supramolecular materials. After a PhD modelling the crystal growth of zeolites at UCL, Kim worked as a post-doc across the experimental groups at the University of Liverpool, before beginning her independent research at Imperial College in 2013. She was awarded a Royal Society of Chemistry Harrison-Meldola Memorial Prize in 2018.

Nathalie Katsonis, University of Twente, Netherlands

Nathalie leads a research group dedicated to exploring motion in bioinspired molecular systems, with a special focus on chirality. She received her PhD from the University Pierre et Marie Curie, working on the nanoscale probe of molecular self-assemblies in two dimensions. She was a postdoctoral fellow in Ben Feringa’s group in Groningen, where she extended her research to artificial molecular switches and motors. She is currently Professor of Chemistry at the University of Twente (The Netherlands). In 2016 she received the Gold Medal of the Royal Netherlands Chemical Society, in recognition for her achievements in chemistry. 

Jodie Lutkenhaus, Texas A&M University, United States

Jodie L. Lutkenhaus is the William and Ruth Neely Faculty Fellow and an Associate Professor in the Artie McFerrin Department of Chemical Engineering at Texas A&M University. Lutkenhaus received her B.S. in Chemical Engineering in 2002 from The University of Texas at Austin and her Ph.D in Chemical Engineering in 2007 from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Following a postdoctoral position at University of Massachusetts Amherst, she joined the faculty at Yale in 2008. In 2010, she moved to Texas A&M University and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2015. Current research areas include polyelectrolytes, redox-active polymers, energy storage, and fluids in confinement. She has received recognitions including World Economic Forum Young Scientist, Kavli Fellow, NSF CAREER, AFSOR YIP, 3M Non-tenured Faculty Award. She is the 1st Vice Chair of the AICHE Materials Engineering & Sciences Division. Lutkenhaus is the Deputy Editor of ACS Applied Polymer Materials. She also serves on the Editorial Advisory Boards for ACS Macro Letters, Macromolecules, ACS Applied Nano Materials, Molecular Systems Design & Engineering, and Materials Today.

Natalia Shustova, University of South Carolina, United States

Natalia B. Shustova began her professorship at the University of South Carolina in 2013. She received her MS degree in materials science from Moscow State University (MSU), Russia, a PhD degree in physical chemistry from MSU, and a PhD degree in inorganic chemistry from Colorado State University (USA). Her postdoctoral research was conducted at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Her current research interests include graphitic hybrid materials for sustainable energy conversion, stimuli-responsive materials, sensors, and artificial biomimetic systems.

He Tian , East China University of Science and Technology, China

He Tian received his Ph.D. degree from East China University of Science & Technology (ECUST) in 1989. He was appointed Cheung Kong Distinguished Professor by the Education Ministry of China in 1999. He is a member of the Chinese Academy of Science and a Fellow of the World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) for the advancement of science in developing countries. Prof. Tian serves as Vice President of Chinese Chemical Society since 2019. His current research interests focus on the development of interdisciplinary materials science that determines the electronic and optical properties of materials.

Poster Abstract Submission
Poster submission has now closed.

Posters are displayed throughout the meeting.

Additional Information

 Poster abstract authors have now been notified of the outcome of the review process.
Registration is now open for the Chemical Science Functional Organic Materials Symposium.
Please read the registration information on this page before registering.
Register by clicking on the online registration link on this page.
Please note accommodation is not included in the registration fee. 

Registration includes:

Attendance at the sessions
Refreshments throughout the meeting
Lunch on Tuesday 24 and Wednesday 25 September
Attendance at the poster session drinks reception on Tuesday 24 September.

Registration fees are as follows:

Early bird  Standard
RSC Member*  £70  £90
Non-member  £80  £100
RSC Student member*  £50  £60
Student non-member  £60  £70

Registration fees inclue VAT at the prevailing rate.

* If you are a Royal Society of Chemistry member and wish to register for this meeting, please select the member option on the online registration page. You will need to enter your membership number.
Book now

Terms and Conditions for Events run by the Royal Society of Chemistry

A limited number of non-competitive travel grants of up to £200 are available for PhD students and early career scientists to attend the symposium. These are assigned on a first come, first served basis. Applicants must be Royal Society of Chemistry members of any level at the time of making their application.

To take advantage of our travel grants and many other benefits, become a member. Follow the link on the right hand side to find out more and join today!

Grants for Carers 

You can apply for up to a maximum of £1000/year to assist with additional financial costs that you incur for care usually provided by you whilst you attend a chemistry related meeting, conference or workshop or a professional development event.
Caring responsibilities are wide and varied, and so each application will be individually assessed, examples of applications that we will consider include:
  • paying for extra home help or nursing care for a dependent whilst you will not be present
  • additional medical/respite care for a dependent whilst you will not be present
  • travel expenses for a relative to travel with you to care for dependents whilst you attend a meeting or event
  • paying for extended hours with a care worker/childminder/play scheme to cover time when you will arrive home later than normal.
You are eligible to apply if: 
  • you are a chemist
  • you will incur additional caring expenses whilst attending a chemistry-related meeting, conference, event or workshop or a professional development event
  • you will use these funds to cover the cost of care that you usually provide 
  • you are based in the UK or Ireland or if not, you will normally have held three years RSC membership (past or current).
These grants for carers have been introduced following the Royal Society of Chemistry Breaking the barriers report where 78% of chemists working in UK academia felt that managing parenting and/or caring responsibilities has an impact on women’s retention and progression. This fund is not limited to women scientists and welcomes applications from anyone with caring responsibilities.

These grants have been supported by The Royal Society of Chemistry’s Chemists’ Community Fund. 
All presentations will take place in the Library on the first floor of Burlington House.
The poster sessions will take place on 24 and 25 September in the Library Café, Council and Hinshelwood Rooms, which are located next to the Library on the first floor of Burlington House.
The evening poster drinks reception will run from 17:30 to 19:00 on Tuesday 24 September.

10:00 Registration and refreshments
11:00 Welcome and introduction, May Copsey and Andrew Cooper
Session Chiral Materials
11:20 The interplay between absolute stereochemistry and the handedness of circularly polarised light in chiral conjugated materials
Matthew Fuchter
11:55 N-heterocyclic carbenes as ligands for planar surfaces, nanoparticles and nanoclusters
Cathleen Crudden
12:30 Lunch and posters
Session Biomaterials and bioinspired materials
14:00 Aromatic foldamer-based protein mimicry and recognition
Ivan Huc
14:35 Biomimetic motility of chiral drople​ts
Nathalie Katsonis
15:10 Refreshments
Session Polymeric materials
15:50 Polymer synthesis enabled by interfaces: towards a world of organic 2D materials
Xinliang Feng
16:25 Emergent properties and applications of polyelectrolyte complexes
Jodie Lutkenhaus
17:00 Flash poster presentations (x4)
17:30 Poster reception
19:00 Close

A number of sponsorship opportunities are available for companies who would like to promote their activities at the Chemical Science symposium on functional organic materials.

As well as booking a table top exhibition space, there are opportunities to sponsor social events, advertise in the abstract book or place a promotional item in delegate packs. A sponsorship menu document is available to download from this page with more details and prices.

If you would like more information about sponsoring the Chemical Science symposium on functional organic materials, please contact the Commercial Sales Department at the Royal Society of Chemistry on Sponsorship Menu
The Royal Society of Chemistry

The Royal Society of Chemistry, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, W1J 0BA, United Kingdom

Please note that accommodation is not included in the registration fee.

Ellis Salsby, a third party accommodation agency, have been selected to offer an accommodation booking service to delegates of the Chemical Science symposium on functional organic materials.

To view and book accommodation for the event via the Ellis Salsby website, please use the link provided.


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Royal Society of Chemistry
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